
Anyone else just trying to figure out what Funko Pop is on the desk behind her?

I know of the kidnapping and murder case, but not this story about the Sears lawsuit.

Her name isn’t Kate Middleton anymore.

Actually, yes; they all have very “American” sounding last names as well. Immigrants change their names; they marry into different cultures; they assimilate - especially by the second or third generation. Maybe it wasn’t the OP’s intention, but saying ethnic people - even fictional characters - need foreign or exotic

I wanted Molly so bad. I was also the only girl in America whose favorite Baby-Sitters Club member was Mallory Pike. God I was a loser.

I have an Indian friend named Anita. I also know some Korean-Americans named Christine, Kimberly, and Larry. What would make their names more “appropriate?”

I remember the line in “True Lies” where Bill Paxton (R.I.P.) declares Jamie Lee Curtis’s character has “an ass like a ten-year-old boy.” At the time, that was flattery. Today it would be an insult.

And Iggy Pop.


Well, “La La Land” couldn’t find one, so...


The hair ruffling thing was Jimmy Fallon.

Now playing

Michael Jackson was not left out. See the 3:15 mark.

Harold Ramis was absolutely included the year he died.

You know what pisses me off almost as much? His shitty, boring, uninspiring and mumbled speech that stared out with “I wish I had something more profound to say.”

You have won every award leading up to tonight. You had time to practice. You were the clear front-runner. You coulda come with - or had someone else

That is Kimmel next to Matt Damon, isn’t it? I guess they were going to end the show on yet another HILARIOUS joke about their feud, and this snafu deprived us all of it.

“It’s getting to the point where for many artists I’ve had to divorce the person from their ‘art.’”

Same here. I’m madly girl-crushing on a particular actress right now, and I’m making the conscious choice to not really read much about her or seek out interviews. I’m so scared I’ll find out she’s an anti-vaxxer or

He’s been through a lot lately.

The doll looks so sad. :(

AMC Theaters. This Saturday I’m watching four in a row for $35; next Saturday is the other five nominees for $40.