
I haven’t seen ant of them because I’m waiting for the Best Picture Showcase. I’ll see all of the nominees back-to-back. It makes it more of an “event,” I get to see ALL of the nominees and feel fully informed on who I think deserves to win, and it’s actually cheaper than paying to see them individually.

Yes, I am a

Each season always starts with a cool concept, a great cast, interesting characters... and then they have NO idea what to do with any of it and just start throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

I hate his face. He looks like he’s seconds from saying, “My dad makes more money than your dad.”

I was about to go search for this clip so I could share it. Thanks for doing the legwork lol

To be fair (to an asshole), that was from the book. Blame Laura Esquivel.

He’s very infamous for that.

Meanwhile, when “Telephone” started up, I said, “Oh, please don’t bring out Beyonce!”

Wait, she used to have a band! I had forgotten. Selena Gomez and the... Something. Scene?

So she just bought a bunch of shit at Michael’s and rolled around in it?

Fertility treatments.


Michael Bolton’s Big, Sexy Valentine’s Day Special

Can we please discuss this?

Niles, Martin and Bulldog were all gay.

Every time someone mentioned “Beauty School Dropout” she would start singing it in this breathy Marilyn-Happy-Birthday voice, and I finally just decided she’s either just never seen the movie she’s talking about or she’s drunk.

YES! I thought it was just me.

Didn’t he have some skeevy sexting scandal a few years ago?

“My inner goddess cheered as he touched me down there.”

I’ll never forgive her for “Tot Mom.” I mean... TOT MOM?!?!?!

Atlanta gets a lot of ribbing for Peachtree Street, Peachtree Industrial, Peachtree Dr., Peachtree Road, Peachtree Creek, Peachtree Circle, etc., but no one ever mentions that we have a road just called “Boulevard.”

I got a tourist photo with him back in... 2006? He smelled terrible.