Hans Richter

Everything in this show is overwrought to the point of being ridiculous. You like damaged cops? We got supernova-level self-destructive types complete with raging alcoholism, violence, intimacy issues, self-hating closet cases, Don'tGiveaFuck clockpunchers. You like heartless beauracrats spinning schemes? We got feds,

Oh, OK.

What? Judgement Day could always have been averted, and WAS, in T1 and T2. It only became inevitable in T3 because the schmuck writers suddenly *decided* it was, making everything that happened in 1 and 2 pointless.

Thanks for the reply. Is it fair to say that the *distinction* between the two (or trans gender dysphoria and any other type of non-trans dysphoria) is simply a matter of reaching a critical mass of medical and social acceptance?

I thought Two-Face was fine. He showed himself to be pretty resourceful and tough, not to mention insanely driven. He was also impressively evil. The only problem I had was his plan to just cuff Ethan and take him home (long sea voyage not to mention all the trains and carriages on both sides) by himself.

You got caught up in the definition of delusion but didn't answer the most important question in Agent Dale's comment:

Is it really 'plagiarising' and worth getting mad about? He's doing it a party, for fun, it's almost certainly unintentional. At this point the vitriolic bandwagon-jumping critics of Shia are a lot worse than whatever cockamamie stunt he's pulling this week.

I half agree with you. I find myself skipping some of the artier scenes this season. I mean, I can only watch snails crawl in slow motion for so long before I tune out.
Having said that, don't forget that Hannibal was never that great at plot or characters talking/thinking/acting anything like real people. Season 1

Why were Pam and Pope so cartoonishly evil to Ethan at the beginning, then? How has the good Scotch (and everything else) survived 2000 years in a drinkable condition? Why the hell did Pilcher think a small town in ~2000 was the perfect template for rebuilding every human society on earth?
Why not just start with the

By finding the painting she discovered his weakness, though. He could easily play it off as a mundane painting but now she knows about his most secret and treasured possession. If they have an argument, or their relationship ends badly (I guess almost all of his relationships end badly when he gets bored), she could

You're right, conspiracy theories aren't actually about a lack of transparency. It's just that secrecy is the easiest starting point for a conspiracist. If a huge body of evidence exists, they move on to some other claim, like the evidence is faked or the experts have been threatened/paid off. Conspiracy theories are

I think that whatever comes back from the 'other side' (spoOoOoky) is tainted with evil or just a plain ol' Demon soul. Knowing PD it's probably the Devil or something. You can treat your creation with horror and fear (John Clare) or kindness (Proteus) or sex (Lily) but the evil endures.

It might not be a great time to be citing Louis CK as the anti-PC hero who tells it like it is, what with those rumours of him being a long-time known creepy pervert (among comedians)

No hyperbole here. It was an awful episode, almost none of the jokes worked and in terms of laughs it was the least funny episode I can remember. Most of the commenters were negative about it, so I'm hardly being contrarian in saying it sucked. Yet it got that bizzarre, inexplicable A from LaToya.

Is this going to be like the A given for the Fawlty Towers episode? As in, grade A for the worst episode in CH history?

I'm going to drive on the wrong side of the road while on holiday and hope nothing bad happens.

I have no idea what to think of someone who STILL thinks any hint of Jeff/Annie is creepy, but ships a non-starter Troy/Annie pairing at least 5 years since that was even a thing. J/A was never particularly creepy or weird, and since Annie is 25 now, maybe just get over yourself? Every relationship with a significant

Shouldn't there be *some* divine power they can call upon to battle the Nightcomers? I guess a crucifix doesn't do much in the hands of a layman like Lyle, but there must be experts around.
Evil witches take their power from the devil, so in the world of Penny Dreadful there's got to be a secret sect of demon-slaying

It wasn't really a shaggy dog story. The point of that particular cycle of The Dark Tower was that, after the reset, Roland posessed the Horn of Eld. He didn't before; in 'our' cycle it was lost at Jericho Hill (IIRC) and it means he made a bit of progress. Maybe he gets one step closer to a 'real' ending with each

This didn't make much sense to me. Why would a real person go from 'put-upon normal guy who hates Erlich' to 'complete douchebag asshole' overnight? Why was he willing to scrap the deal because he didn't want the PiedPiper banner, but then agreed to an EndFrame logo afterwards?