Hans Richter

Jaden Smith wishes he could express himself like this.

You're right, there's no comparison between Thatcher and Meyer at this point. She's still revered by the Right as a truly iconic and effective PM. In fact she was so influential that Thatcherite Neoliberalism is the accepted status quo among all the major parties, even now.

I didn't like it. For the first twenty minutes almost every joke fell flat. Keith David is great, and I admired the cleverness and eventual payoff of the Abed flashback plot, but it just wan't very funny.

'Monkeys wank and throw shit around' seems like such lazy fucking humour to me. Next week: jokes about how airplane food is bad.

Poor old Brona. Victorian sex worker, dying of consumption, smothered, reanimated as a 'mate' for creepy monster, and molested by Dr Creepenstein while dead.

Not quite. It's said a few times that even the lowliest free man hates a freed slave, because he can no longer feel superior to someone. I think a lot of the Harpy grunt work is done by poor freemen who are paid by the masters.

Louie isn't perfect, far from it. His gross, shambling failed sexual assault on her last season is the best example of that. That said, she *successfully* assaulted him on this episode and he was expected to be cool about it afterwards.

This, exactly. Her first arc was pretty great, then she came back and wanted to try a relationship with Louie, which seemed promising. But she's just been mean, controlling and dismissive of him since then.

Do the writers really think they're fooling anyone re: Nick/Jess?

Maybe the first time I've watched a film and thought Tom Cruise was too old for the role. I mean, they cast him because he's Tom Cruise and he made it work because he's Tom Cruise, but that part was not a 50-year-old man. He's getting a bit incongruous in these kind of roles.

How the fuck does Lou Avery become the big winner of Mad Men?!

Dority v Turner = greatest fight in TV history. Nothing flashy or fancy, no shitty Wire Fu or horrible jump cuts. Just a heart-in-mouth Wild West brawl. I felt sick watching it.

It's about time someone took those stuffy Native Americans down a peg or two, and Adam Sandler is the perfect guy to do it.

There is absolutely nothing that men can do or be – or neglect to do or be – no failing they can have, no emptiness they can embody, that Hollywood will not embrace as heroic.

That's what I was thinking for 2005. 2007 was Zodiac. Since then it's been wiseass RDJ easy street unless you count The Judge, which, c'mon.

God forbid massively overpaid actors should have to answer anything but softballs on how great friends all the Avengers are.

I don't think they needed to convince us he was a bad guy (he wasn't - but he *was* a bad marshal), but a better show would have made a stronger case for that point of view even if it ultimately rejected it.

It seemed less problematic and more just eye-rollingly lazy and hacky,

What kept Justified from greatness, for me, is that it was too in love with the myth of Raylan Givens. It explored the dichotomy between Justice and Law, and *always* came down on the side of Raylan's personal brand of justice - without giving it a stern test. Every character that came in and challenged the 'wrong

I used to think the show was meta in the Golden Age, but they're really doubling down on it this season.