Hans Richter

Why is Megan so angry with Don now? He was a cheater and alternated between controlling and emotionally absent, but it felt like she was pissed at something specific. Was it him convincing her to quit her job and move to California and then backing out? Or the affair with Sylvia (does she even know about that?)

I was cautiously optimistic about Hobbit 1. I saw Hobbit 2 with low expectations and my fingers crossed for a miracle, and I didn't even bother with Hobbit 3. Rubbish.

The ASSet? I gotta ASSet for ya right here! Why's y'all so uptight, ahm just workin' on my greasy HOG!

Fantastic Cash Cows And How To Milk Them, amirite bros?

Skyfall. c'mon.

When Vincent arrived the house was locked up tight and there was only one car outside, the professor's. I think the writers wanted us to *believe* that Dan was there already, but he actually wasn't, and it was just a red herring.

Who knew that people who disfigure themselves with countless cosmetic surgeries might have mental health issues.

I suppose so, his dad was considered low-life scum BY low-life scum, after all.

Did he really rise above his roots? Raylan doesn't show any respect for the law and he certainly doesn't follow it too closely. He just upholds his personal brand of 'justice' which usually means whatever he wants it to mean, and fortunately for him it works out and everyone covers his ass. He is a terrible law

The Guest didn't resort to self-parody? It made me laugh frequently, and not in a good (or intended) way.

13-year-old Benjie (Evan Bird), an adolescent idol fresh out of rehab. One part Justin Bieber, two parts Joffrey Baratheon, he’s the enfant terrible star of a hit franchise called Bad Babysitter - what is this, a 30 Rock parody of this kind of movie?

I just didn't believe that Abbi would cover for Bevers like that. That aside, I really enjoyed it. Much more than the dog wedding episode last week, which pushed the 'New Yorkers be crazy like THIS' angle a bit too hard.

After you get infected by the prehistoric virus, which is actually an alien lifeform, you develop a fever. After 24 hours you wake up and need to cool down, so you run into the snow and vomit up the 'swelling' in your throat which is an alien birthing sac. It comes out in a welter of blood, naturally. Then the alien

Hell yes. They wouldn't even need much, just *something* to lighten the mood from time to time and make watching TWD enjoyable and not such a gruelling ordeal.

My guess is that the two strange guys are working for a mega oil company, on the island to surreptitiously investigate the existence or extent of oil deposits under the glacier.

That's why I specifically wrote "people he respects"; he doesn't give a fuck what normal people think. Normal people are calling him out because they have nothing to lose, his famous friends and other celebrities just laugh and nod along because criticising a megalomaniac manbaby like Kanye could be bad for their

Should have won major awards for Justified. Specifically for season 1, but I would have accepted 'recognition wins' in later seasons despite the show spinning its wheels a bit. Maybe even in this final season if his arc is coming to a tragic end.

TWD 'One Black Guy At A Time' rule strikes again? Noah joins the cast and so Tyreese must die.

He is such a fucking arsehole. Is there a better example of success ruining a person than Kanye West? Even worse, all his peers are laughing and clapping and congratulating him on another great wacky stunt, like he isn't just a rude, inconsiderate piece of shit. Even BECK is still saying "I love him and think he's a

Hey Hey Hey it's Faaaaat Scrotum