Hans Richter

Will & Grace was a huge hit (critically and commercially) which gives all the stars about 10 years of industry goodwill to try and front another hit show. Time is definitely running out for them now, though.

Jost was the weakest link, so they replaced Strong? It's good to be Head Writer, I guess.

Well, OK, we'll just have to differ on this. I'm not going to argue with a zombie enthusiast.

What would a 'realistic' exploration of a zombie apocalypse look like to you? I think the only barrier to a compelling portrayal of zombies is the inherent ridiculousness of zombies, which is a lot harder to disguise in motion on screen than it is in print/comics.

Selfie has got to be the most gratingly offensive sitcom of the 21st century, right? Judging by the promo trailer it makes Work It look like sensitive nuanced social commentary.

"if this bill is passed, Lorne Michaels will probably end up in jail."

Soiler is what Hodor does in his robes when magic skeletons attack.

I don't watch Family Guy, I probably Liked it years ago when I was a dumb teen who found it 'edgy', I forgot it was even on there. Let's talk about how you desperately FB-stalked this account to find some trumped up evidence that I'm a hypocrite. That is weird overcommitting and there is something wrong with you, for

This is like a friend who tells 'ironic' racist jokes, yes it's funny once because I know you're not really racist but eventually you're just an arsehole telling racist jokes, it doesn't matter if you *mean it* or not.

I wasn't criticising the attraction of the cult's belief system, just that the charismatic YK the cultists loved/feared/would do anything for turned out to be a filthy motherlovin' redneck living in a pigsty in the middle of a swamp. I appreciate that his fun accent work was supposed to show us his showmanship and

These characters act like Paulie, Georgia is the only place anyone could possibly live. I couldn't believe that their main objection to a plea deal seemed to be the banishment, and that they'd literally NEVER see Daniel again as a result.

Will the Big Bad be another implausibly grotesque incestuous swamp-dwelling troglodyte? 'Cos the mysterious attraction/hypnotic power of the cult seemed a whole lot less believable when Cletus was revealed as The Yellow King.

Increasingly less so, you are twisting my melon, man.

Bruce wasn't real. The only real version of 'Bruce' was Shane, from the cult, who blackmailed Ryan's dad for decades. Ryan created Bruce from supressed infant memories of Shane.

So much Jenna hate from the usual AVC misogynists. Her 'bitchiness' was simply a failure of courage. At an extremely low point in her life she turned to Drew (her familiar, comforting, reliable estranged *husband*) instead of Ryan. She really did appreciate and even love Ryan. She recognised that he brought out and

Eh, they were a little tight but mostly just one size too small, all the time.

'Wilfred' was able to access repressed and forgotten memories of Ryan's entire life, including the time he spent at the cult as a baby. Or Ryan found some clue about the blue barn in his father's notes but didn't recognise it. 'Wilfred' was able to piece it together subconsciously.

Coming 2019, a group of high school seniors reminisce about their middle school years on graduation night. Painful memories are explored. Ancient conflicts are reignited. They group-dance to Bieber, remember the good old days, and wonder where they went wrong along life's crooked path.

Nepotism much.

This feature should be called 'Why I hate the music my bullies listened to in high school'