Hans Richter

IGN, the bastion of quality TV reviews. Do they use 'retarded' as a pejorative over there? Are decent people still doing that in 2014? Whatever, you will not be missed, unpleasant little troll.

'Precocious drama-school brat' name. You see a lot of young Brit actors (especially on GoT) with these kind of names, thanks to the posh, pushy, thesp-y fauxhemian parents.

You can joke about anything except my precious Comic-Con! - every gross nerd ever.

Why does everyone hate Jason Biggs, anyway?

Ugh, you are awful. Do you really have so much to prove on a TV show comment thread that this (offensive, snarky, bullshit) post seems reasonable to you? Goodbye.

I can't speak for Erik but I only find Ted Jr. interesting when he's dealing with his assault by Daniel. The marital breakdown is more interesting and nuanced with that assault hanging in the background, otherwise it would only be exploring the same boring problems we see in every show; misunderstanding, lack of

Next time on Penny Dreadful… Brona wakes up and calls Caliban a weird creepy arsehole. Caliban throws up his hands, yells 'Friendzoned again!' and slinks off to a shadowy corner where he can quote poetry in peace.

Oh God, I kinda idolised Gary Oldman until this interview, but he's just another grumpy-ish old-ish man with some good opinions and some shitty opinions, like everyone else. I'm not sure how someone who grows up poor turns out Libertardian but I guess as a successful actor you start believing the hype about being a

Did Daniel actually rape Ted, then? My read on the scene was that he subdued him and put the coffee on his ass to make the point that Ted's insulting question about whether Daniel 'fought back' or 'let it happen' was bullshit.

Sorry about this, and for Piers Morgan too.

He pushed those damn toothbrushes so far into his ears I thought they'd come out covered in brains instead of wax. Been watching too much GoT, I guess.

How I Beat Drugs (And You Can Too!) : The Scared Straight Story, by Louis Szekely.

Rule Number One: How do I know you're not a cop?

No, if you don't like Derek you just want to be fashionable and follow a trend! Real reviews come from a place of true conviction and that simply *cannot* lead to a negative review of Derek!

Y'know, I was going to agree because I didn't really enjoy Everett's performance either, but I have a problem with your choice of the word 'screeching' to describe it. She wasn't screeching at all, her voice is pitched pretty low and actually quite easy on the ear.

Yeah, his accent isn't great, it's very Medieval Times. To be fair though, most of his scenes are with actual Brits which makes it harder to pull off convincingly. Nikolaj C-W has a similar problem, he doesn't sound like the rest of the Lannisters. That doesn't bother me as much because he just sounds foreign rather

No, not really. Some people are awful and can't be reasoned with or shamed, but physically attacking someone is never the answer.

I remember in the pilot Derek was in a pub with his friend (the older female care worker) and some teenage girls were verbally abusing him. So they left the pub, but she told Derek to wait at the door and went back inside and headbutted the ringleader (knocking her out? can't remember)

These 'natives' are about as sensitively portrayed as the Indians in Temple of Doom

None of those things happening precludes rape. That said, this wasn't rape by any stretch of the imagination.