Hans Richter

How has no-one said Doctor Who yet? Incompetent risible villains, silly plots, lack of imagination (oh look, we're back on Earth again) and lazy miraculous last-minute solutions.

Eddie Marsan is overdue his shot at the Giamatti/PhilSeyHoff roles, profile and accolades table.

white is her name. his name was gillis.

Dear God, not another sad internet nerd complaining about how those mean old feminists are ruining their precious GoT.

Ruddney Dangerfield

These trailers were all painful to watch. Really, truly awful. I wanted to like Angie Tribeca but c'mon… a grinning dog that holds the heavy bag while people workout?

snyder is a hack and his films stink and the more control he has the worse a project is and who the fuck saw Man of Steel and thought he should direct the sequel and the justice league movie?

"Oh Seven Hells, not the dogs! ANYTHING but the dogs! Ironborn, retreat!"

Is Bad Judge just Bad Teacher or Bad Santa but with a judge? I can't view the trailers in my country.

Looks like they dug up Rodney Dangerfield.

Community and Trophy Wife on the same day? Dang :(

Also, Bewitched.

Yeah, I didn't like this either. I had a thought about halfway through that Coach being petrified of boats (or the sea, or whatever it was he was specifically afraid of) could have been written for literally any of the characters, there's so much idiosyncrasy and 'wackiness' flying around on New Girl.

There's no link between the two so need to bring your Schumer hate here, bub. IAS is also fucking hilarious, so.

I would rather see Oscar Nunez (also pictured up top) as a series reg.

That was a great line because it describes Roger better than the hippies at the commune.

To add to this, he's a big fan of Rand and told Don in S01 that they were alike in being productive, unsentimental and supremely self-interested.

I still like Jebediah Atkinson a lot. The rare SNL gems give me some hope for the writers, despite most of their output being mediocre or worse. The very fact that they keep bringing stuff like Atkinson back until we're truly sick of it shows that they can recognise when they have something good, like Drunk Uncle.

I don't understand the 'secret' pellet wound on Lester's hand. It would, absolutely,100% have been found and treated in hospital, when he was first admitted. It would be in an injury report that the police would have read. Are we supposed to believe that they just didn't notice it while he was unconscious all night?

The way I see it, as soon as Hannibal knew Jack suspected his meat, he stopped serving him human flesh, as a precaution. When Hannibal killed Katz, Will said something like, "whatever she found is already gone and he won't make the same mistake twice" - so presumably Hannibal's basement is completely clean and he's