Hans Richter

The trailer made me think the film would be good. The trailer for a new Transformers film wouldn't.

This is disappointing, the trailer made this look really promising

He took the blue pill.

It was misdirection, Hannibal was right there in the room. They let the guy go because they had no evidence and these characters do *sometimes* behave like actual law enforcement professionals when the plot requires it.

No, that's not going to fly. Good guys weren't forcing women to have sex with them fifty years ago. Someone with a moral compass would know that you just don't treat people like that, be it 1960 or 2014. There were plenty of right-thinking people in that period who opposed sexism, homophobia, racism - and they

Eh, I hope not. They already had Pete rape that Au Pair with no real remorse or consequences, and then tried to tell us coercion isn't rape (it is) - not to mention all the *other* reprehensible shit he's been doing since the pilot. It's not just his actions in the office or with colleagues, he's been the same Pete

Yeah, it's baffling that in this brave new world of streaming and TVOD, piracy isn't just the cheapest option (no doy) but somehow still the most user-friendly.

Lucy Knight on E.R, anyone?

Sonia clearly shouldn't be reviewing this show. Not that I disagree with her opinions on it, or want to defend The Following in any way, but she isn't enjoying it at all and can't even muster up the enthusiasm to write entertaining hatchet-job reviews. It's probably time to drop coverage or let someone else take over.

I made no judgement about the film; I haven't seen it. I was pointing out how bizarre and inexplicable that rant was. For some reason this writer thinks titling a bad film 'The Life of David Gale' is offensive and disrespectful because there was a famous actor called David Gale, who died. Even though it was entirely

Apparently having the titular character in a movie with the same (presumably fairly common) name as a deceased actor is profane, dispiriting and overall incredibly offensive. Just because this writer thought the movie was bad.

Well, yes, I agree with you. The industry (and the public) still only wants to see certain types of women succeed. Women who generally obey the rules; be young, pretty and non-threatening to men.

Bamford is really funny but quite depressing and often difficult to watch, and definitely not aspirational or cool in a way the industry can sell to the wider public. Dunham and Kaling have the 'hip New Yorker' and 'glamorous LA celebrity' angles and they're more commercially viable, even though they still have to

And Harlanites probably think 22 is pushing menopausal.

What happened to the Leslie of season 1 who was going to be the first female President? It's actually been quite sad to watch her horizons shrinking every year. She couldn't even serve a full term on the City Council of a dump like Pawnee.

I have some serious credibility problems with this episode. I felt like True Detective was going to be more The Wire and then it went all 24 on us:

Zack Snyder is an awful hack who has yet to make a good film, and the one that was his baby from start to finish was the worst of the lot. He's like Michael Bay without the self-awareness.

Also: Harrelson is 52. Monaghan (playing his wife) is 37. Daddario (playing his girlfriend) is 27. I know this kind of age disparity is firmly entrenched in film and television (look at Tom Cruise's female lead partners) but it doesn't make it any less depressing.

OF COURSE people generally treat others better and have a more humble attitude *before* they get famous. I don't think anyone really believes Kanye was always the ridiculous gaffe-prone maniac ego machine that he is now.

How awesome was it when David said 'Hi Christy' when they were having the impromptu AA meeting with him passed out between them?!