Hans Richter

MD is 43. In 1945 life expectancy for an Ameri-man was 63. You could just about call his character aging if he's playing his own current age. He might be playing older.

I assume 36k is SAG scale pay for the size of the part, scenes/filming days/hours worked, etc. So being paid less would be in violation of union rules, or something.

OK, let's just avoid cultural comparisons and say that you have a terrible sense of humour. Problem solved.

This dumb rapping kid is more embarassing than any porno Larry's daughter will ever make. It takes a special kind of unbearable doucherag wanker to make *that* music video without a hint of self-mockery.


A betrayal of the Seinfeldian 'no hugging, no learning' principles the show lived by for four seasons. I can forgive it, because writers get sentimental and sappy when they have to say goodbye to their creations (The Office UK is a great example) but this isn't what KP is about.

The guy who would have prevented 9/11 if he'd been on one of those planes is teaching other actors how to keep it real. Thanks, Mark.

It's kind of jarring that everyone is proud of the 'good guy' for punching an old man in the face, because he said homo.

If someone says homo it's fine to punch them in the face. This must be the legendary emotional stability and self-control cops are known for.

But what about the feexins?

Surely if she's proud to be the female embodiment of KP, she ISN'T in on the joke, right? The joke is that KP is a hilariously disgusting human being, not that he's some kind of heroic freethinking underdog who triumphs by breaking all the rules.

What about lil' Jack Horner over there, sitting in the corner bein' a beeeeeetch.

I actually meant Kimberly. It felt pretty obvious to me that she wasn't interested in him sexually, but she felt bad about her shitty behaviour and she wants to be his friend, at least. He now has a pretty good in with all the models she knows.

Why does Stuart need to fuck Kimberly anyway? He now has a friend who is an actual bona fide model, genuinely likes him and will introduce him to plenty of other models and actors! He could just be his genuine self (real Stuart is just real Merchant) and get plenty of action.

I have to go now. My planet needs me. Note: Dana Lazaro died on the way back to her home planet.

Yeah, I'm just surprised that they would bring it up. I mean, they're both very talented and involved in all kinds of funny projects. Bride Wars is fucking terrible in every way.

'We wrote the movie Bride Wars that we really loved'

Straight up didn't like this one. The pie contest was pretty bad, Terry seems to be a cartoon character dropped into the real world (and pairing him with Braugher all the time makes him look even weirder) and Peralta was so grating I was desperately hoping the criminal would get one over on him.

All the Miss Universe sketch was missing was someone in yellow greasepaint screwing up their eyes and chanting CHINGCHINGCHINGCHONG into a mic, or perhaps Pedrad could have been a bomb-and-burka wearing Miss Terrorismstan and shouted about killing infidels.

That was just an easy joke at her expense.