Hans Richter

Such a great show, and it's actually better than ever. I loved that Kenny's motto 'has always been' something about not wasting money on frivolous nonsense.

I don't like Pee-Weed Herman, I just find him weird and creepy. This seems odd to me because I'm such a CBB fanatic (podcast and show) and apparently PWH is one of Hot Saucerman's biggest influences.

"Talk about finances, talk about ancient affairs, industrialism. I need you to be the fucking Bill Reilly with tits in there."

Poor Brian Huskey taking the role of Guy With Small Penis Who Works at Yogurt Shop. At least he got a line, eh.

Yaaay another bunch of identikit middle-class white nice-guy improv/sketch comics from New York.

How can you dislike Rainn Wilson? :sadface:

Yeah, why would he care what some critic thinks of his performance in The Wire when he was recognised with a Golden Globe and an Emmy nom FOR LUTHER (mediocre over-the-top cliched fun at best) . Y'know, those same shitty organisations that didn't even acknowledge the existence of The Wire and were giving out Best

I think the unlikeability here comes from asking the waiter to do him a favour and then going overboard on shaming the poor guy to make himself look good.

I wouldn't worry about it. Honestly, y'know, modern medicine they can work wonders.

Oh to be that guy who stands there with a stick of celery and points it upwards at a choice moment and waggles his eyebrows. Hardest-working man in America.

I love that this show is so clever about Kenny getting 'wins' because he is such an awful unlikeable person; Kenny can't ever get a pure honourable win because it would be too easy for viewers to root for him 100%, it would destroy the delicate balance us between wanting him to succeed because he's the protagonist and

If you can't see what part of your review was sexist (and you're half right, it wasn't 'sexist undertones', it was pretty overt) then you're not qualified to judge.

Yeah, you're right. It's not just his temper, he is an incredibly violent man who can barely control his impulses.

Seth Bullock? One of the most interesting things about the character was that he had serious anger management issues that led to a lot of misjudgement and subsequent problems. I thought the show made it pretty clear that while on the surface he was an ideal lawman, his temper belied (belay? undercut?) that in pretty

NYPD, where the men are Jewish comedians and the women are supermodels. Actually that checks out.

The name's gigandet and I rock CBS telly
I'm half sexy attorney and a third jeff spicoli
I'm a gun nut hippie from columbia city
i'm a torting surfer 
you the fool i pity!

If they really wanted Larry Miller to play the dad, couldn't they have just hired him instead of slapping that ridiculous makeup on Nick Offerman?

Maybe you're right. After all, last year in the UK there were 2,333 rape convictions and 52,549 domestic abuse convictions. All those people deserve to be executed, right? Not to mention all the executions for traffickers, paedophiles, murderers, and those for perpetrators of assault and grievous bodily harm. Let's

I hate the leads in True Romance.

I think the banter and one-liners are very funny; the comedic writing is good. The characters are all over the place and anything plot-related or remotely dramatic or serious is terrible. Plenty of bad things can be enjoyable. I like some bad TV, bad movies, bad music, just like you and everyone else.