Hans Richter

Ethnics only watch telenovelas and Tyler Perry joints, anyway. And if sitcoms have taught me anything, it's that everyone in NYC is white.

"And that's the end of that chapter."

"And that's the end of that chapter."

He was on SNL for one year and has made about five good movies in his career. Where does this inflated sense of his own ability and stature come from?

He was on SNL for one year and has made about five good movies in his career. Where does this inflated sense of his own ability and stature come from?

Up All Night is so disappointingly safe. It's a fun watch and I liked the first season but there's nothing experimental or edgy about it at all. I mean, if you're on NBC and going to bomb anyway why not take more risks? Do we need more sitcoms with uptight type-A women and goofy sarcastic men? There's also

Up All Night is so disappointingly safe. It's a fun watch and I liked the first season but there's nothing experimental or edgy about it at all. I mean, if you're on NBC and going to bomb anyway why not take more risks? Do we need more sitcoms with uptight type-A women and goofy sarcastic men? There's also

Sure, but he couldn't even speak or control his body in training. He was like a toddler.

Sure, but he couldn't even speak or control his body in training. He was like a toddler.

The only thing I didn't like about this arc was that CK was so, so terrible at hosting all along. Every thing he said or did was just awful right until the test show and then he became some kind of superhero TV hosting god. If he had shown just a little progression from Ep 1 to 3 I would have bought it, but he was

The only thing I didn't like about this arc was that CK was so, so terrible at hosting all along. Every thing he said or did was just awful right until the test show and then he became some kind of superhero TV hosting god. If he had shown just a little progression from Ep 1 to 3 I would have bought it, but he was

Are we calling Breakdown superb now? I always loved it but consider it a guilty pleasure.

Are we calling Breakdown superb now? I always loved it but consider it a guilty pleasure.

I really liked it! Last season was mediocre but I thought this episode was great.

I really liked it! Last season was mediocre but I thought this episode was great.

Yeah, she is awful. All her jokes bomb and she tries to flag them up for another shot but the audience ain't buying it.

Yeah, she is awful. All her jokes bomb and she tries to flag them up for another shot but the audience ain't buying it.

I think this was the Smartest Man show (all his Edinburgh podcasts have blurred into one for me) where the audience laughed maybe once and Greg seemed irritable and 'off' the whole time. It was an interesting listen but not really funny.

I think this was the Smartest Man show (all his Edinburgh podcasts have blurred into one for me) where the audience laughed maybe once and Greg seemed irritable and 'off' the whole time. It was an interesting listen but not really funny.

The Five-Year Engagement is SO long. So, so long. A romantic comedy should run 90 minutes, 1:45 tops if there are lots of threads to pull together. 2 hours 10 minutes is way too long and you feel every second of it.