Hans Richter

What is Schiff up to these days? Shouldn't he be starring in a heavyweight show about a passionate but disillusioned law school professor, or an ex-prodigy physicist who faces serious issues after failing to fulfil his early promise? Something like that.

Yeah, that was a nice touch.

I gotta say, this was disappointing. Nothing about the 'one of us may be a psycho' plot was funny, at all, and it took up waaaaay too much of the episode.

Alcohol is one of the worst drugs to quit cold turkey for precisely this reason; it can (and does) kill people.

John Hamm prefers to be called Jon Hamm. In fact, he can get rather irate when people pronounce it incorrectly.

Yeah, I'm still not getting the whole 'there's a great show hiding inside this pile of shit if only they would change 95% of it' angle Todd is pushing. You could say the same damn thing about every bad show that comes along.

Yay, the unwanted and unanticipated return of a character no-one was talking about and nobody liked.

Is this show *still* ragging on hipsters like it's 2006 and the creators don't actually understand what a hipster is?

Reeeallly agree with this. I know a lot of viewers hate Chang, but I really love him when he has a small part and gets a few great lines. I found his detective noir episode too broad and silly to really enjoy in long scenes, but his 'Have you MET ME?!' line from s01 remains one of my favourite of the entire series.

Critical Film Studies was my clear favourite until this one.

I thought this was incredible. Best moment was Troy's horrified "You!" when he saw the troll destroying his life.

You don't like Planes, Trains and Autos? Shame on you.

I find it odd that more than one person misheard that. Wishful thinking?

This show is crappy. Really. The entire scene of Max walking the horse was just painful to watch. It actually boggles my mind that another commenter liked this because it was hands down the *worst* moment of the show.

I want to grill Ebert about his glowing review of Knowing, one of the worst (certainly bottom 5) Nic Cage movies ever made.

I kinda dislike the reset Community does at the start of every season. End of S01 - Britta and Slater declared their love for Jeff, who ran away and kissed Annie. S02E01 - Britta didn't mean it and doesn't even *like* Jeff more than she ever did, Slater quietly disappeared and was never mentioned again, Jeff gave

Crap actor, only works in shitty films. The sooner he is gone and forgotten the better.

As someone who watched the first three seasons but became increasingly exasperated by the show, should I bother watching s04?

We take queueing VERY seriously over here.

I feel like Adam Sandler's 'pretend gay firemen' Chuck & Larry abortion fits the bill of a dumb comedy, and that did pretty well.