Han Solo's Vest

I use it to remind me to grab my laptop. Nothing worse than getting all the way to your office are realizing you can’t work. Well, I guess forgetting your kid would be worse but you know what I mean.

Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all of the things you have called Donald Trump this election season? I started my own document but I am sure I have missed some articles somewhere along the way.

I am sorry. I can’t imagine how I would feel if this was happening in my home town. Please be safe.

You just made my Friday afternoon. Bless you good sir.

I went into my local Charter office recently to inquire about something for my father-in-law and mentioned in passing the “deal” that I had gotten by calling in. They flat out told me not to ever call or go to the website. They said that they can ALWAYS get me a better if I come into the office.

That basically backs up