
of course she is. Marvel has a clone problem.

Gosh, that darn psychopath is just too unsocially acceptable!

Smith is over-rated, and a total blowhard who embellishes the shit out of the truth. I wish he would just fucking disappear.

We are the giant demons.

So you’re saying I should start meth to lose weight?

Luckily the other people on the show know how to do their jobs. Jordan needs to get off the fucking pot. Am I entitled? You fucking bet your ass I am, he sold us a product with the implied intent it would wrap up the plots, I don't give two shits about artistic integrity. Finish the series you fame absorbed beautiful

Oh no, I feel so disconnected by not using an app used by self absorbed people. I gave up FB, Twitter, never touched these and recently went to a dumb phone and it feels fantastic.

Not everyone has had the same experiences and learning you have, which leads them to do things you wouldn't do, and vice versa.

He looks like a doofus. Do you like stupid guys? What am I saying, of course you do.

He is such an odd guy, and it’s great!

Im sorry, that is just too long.

He should also show up in VIII.

Yeah, I would be down with him showing up in a movie. Fuck, I wouldn't mind a movie with him as the lead. ROBOT RIGHTS!

Oh god, Heir to the Jedi was painful, ugh.

Greg Grunberg’s role in SW’s was insulting. I don't dislike the guy, but he is such a bad actor, and he immediately stood out and not in a good way. I hope they drop him for the next movie.

For me it was the news stories of Mary Vincent. Mary was a 15 year old girl who was hitchhiking from Las Vegas who was picked up by Lawrence Singleton, who then raped her, cut off both of her arms and then stuffed her in a concrete culvert where he expected her to die.

Maybe someone has been sinking trash and it just came free?

Yeah, maybe this thing was a planet sterilizer.

Its getting harder and harder for them to do serious deep investigations (or even easy ones) before getting scooped by some blogger. Then the old news hire bloggers who have no real investigative research and wham, the industry becomes what it is.

Yeah Im looking forward to it. Love it, hate it, its all the Ghostbusters we’re going to get.