Hans Maulwurf

I hate it when people say that and I hate it even more when people like David Cage who seem to be just so full of themselves are the ones saying it. Sure there is alot of immature crap in videogames but that is in no way different to the movie industry (where for whatever reason something like Inception is regarded as

It probably would have been for the best if they'd gone all the way and offered up an adventure mode without any combat. Easy or not, I bet it's still clunky and tedious as hell. As it stands, the best way to enjoy this game is probably the giantbomb endurance run(s).

The Omerta Demo was really fun. And gog has a pretty tempting offer. But I guess I'll have to pass for now - there's just still to much piling up from the most recent holiday sales.

yeah, i'm honestly a bit bummed out about not making it. but anyway...it was the best response I've ever gotten for a shop so I'm still content.

character driven fishing action? Now I can't get the thought of a Man's favorite sport game out of my mind.

Well, thanks for all the kind words folks.

Probably not the most original idea but eh...

Him choosing Bayern of all teams would have been a reason for me to send this guy back home again before the match even started.

Him choosing Bayern of all teams would have been a reason for me to send this guy back home again before the match even started.

That was a rather quick one.

According to the games kinda ridiculous "k.o. counter" no one gets ever slaughtered/killed.

Maybe not from a bussiness perspective but from a gamer perspective I think with MOH they should have tried to improve upon what they did with Airborne: offering a true alternative to COD by being completeley different gameplay wise - unscripted, with open levels and dynamic ai. Airborne wasn't really good, but it was

I'm not talking about the graphics being bad. I'm talking about those games (as well as "HD" rereleases of other game like GTA:SA, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good&Evil etc.) being already available in HD for basically nothing (5-10€) on PC. I paid 20€ for all Hitman Games 2 years ago, you probably get them even cheaper

These people and the legacy of some of them (from Black Isle to Troika to Obsidian) are just incredible. They're responsible for some of the greatest wrpgs ever, and I am one of those who absolutely adored AP. Played it four times and I sure hope there will be a sequel someday - because there needs to be more than

That is great. Everyone should play Blood Money. There's no other game like it (if you're not into real hardcore stuff like Death to Spies). But there are far better, far cheaper ways of doing this than another overpriced HD remaster.

I guess that might be true if your talking about the 360 version. But the PC Version should still be widely available - not only on Steam, where you'll probably be able to get the whole bundle for a tener at the christmas sale, but also at retail. I got Bloodmoney for 10 and a bundle with the other 3 games for 10

Seems like there can't be enough HD-remasters of games you could run in HD on a 5 year old laptop. Also, with Bloodmoney being a current gen game, this is especially pointless.

Well, that's another AC I probably won't get. I want another european trilogy, preferably during the times of Napoleon. Just follow him east from Paris over Vienna to burning Moscow. History has been made in this time, and unlike colonial America there were a lot more buildings of adequate height for an AC game. Not

I'm neither of the two, and yet I still don't think it's a particularly bad cover. A guy who looks like shootin' dudes on the cover of a game about shootin' dudes seems rather fitting. Also still way better than the close-up shot of a head covered with a mask/helmet/power-suit-armor Bethesda seems to like so much.

I wonder why they even bothered. 90% of rpgs are medieval fantasy crap, 10% are sci-fi stuff and the statistically irrelevant rest like the highly, highly underappreciated Alpha Protocol just doesn't sell.