Hans Maulwurf

Finally the adequate KB replacement has arrived!

Man...a cigarette-company sponsored tv show. Kinda even more amazing and unimaginable today than the 96 year old guy.

Good choice. While I love a lot of games that have boss fights, those are usually the parts I like least about them. Most of the time it's either just grinding or "look for the one weak spot" - neither of which is terribly exciting or satisfying.

It just had to be done...

Just finished Binary Domain on the pc. Hadn't got that game on my radar at all, but tried the demo and liked it, bought the full game and just loved it. Which is especially odd considering I'm usually not a big fan of japanese games, boss figths and futuristic settings.

I didn't get into any of the TES Games, but with Morrowind I at least tried several times because I liked that theme so much. It's really just brilliant.

Why would I want to have my games scattered over two systems (one of which is 5 years old and has an analog nub that's getting worse by the minute) if it's technically absolutely possible to have it on one system?

Unfortunately it will be PSP all over again as long as they want to make legit owners of psp umd-games pay again for the exact same games. That is the No.1 reason why I will install a cfw as soon as there is one -which, if it hasn't already happened, should be only a matter of time.

The best N-Gage game probably was Pathway to Glory from Red Lynx, a great turn-based strategy game. Like all n-gage games it never gets mentioned anywhere, and Red Lynx seems to be only interested in Trials these days, but I would die for a XBLA/PSP/Vita remake.

Oh Fox, you were so great, publishing legendary games like the NOLF series. How could it come so far?

Everyone with a love for RPGs (not to be confused with shooters with skill-trees) should want Alpha Protocol 2. A few technical hiccups don't make a bad game. But lots of small and big decisions that significantly change the way the story unfolds, deep, varied gameplay with perfectly integrated dialogue-sequences and

I usually don't care about IOS games, but a screenshot of virtual Mats Hummels definitely deserves a hit. Go BVB! Champions 2011!

Well said. Games will only ever be acknowledged as art, if the experience they offer is perceived as genuine and unique, as something that can only be achieved by a game.

@dnadns: yeah, great service. I really apreciate that, too. Thumbs up for Mr. Plunkett.

@pandafresh: Urban Chaos. Of course you could debate if its a "major" Video game, but it was on three platforms and got pretty good reviews.