
The NFL didn’t like seeing the empty seats on TV.

Speaking as an Angelino (inhabitant of LA), please keep the Raiders in Oakland. And for that matter, keep the Chargers too.

I went to a few Raiders games when I lived in the Bay Area. (A good frind was a die-hard Raiders fan; I wore silver and black purely as life insurance.) In one game against Kansas City, Woodson ran an INT back for a touchdown. I consider it a genuine privilege to have seen such a great player at the peak of his

I like your Idea but heres one better.

Just wait til Sunday night when after every Eli incompletion or pick we’ll be reminded with how much he misses his PLAYMAKER. And gosh, he shouldn’t have done what he did, but that was in the heat of the moment, and once he cooled down he did the right thing and showed TREMENDOUS CHARACTER in copy pasting a mandated

In his apology OBJ namechecks:

Do you think Goodell actually says “Bring out the Gimp.” when they need Peter King’s services or does he merely think it?

You can’t blame Beckham for thinking Merton Hanks will stick his neck out for him.

And let’s not forget ESPN’s MNF ‘personalities’ screeching “You just got ... JACKED UP!” in that oblivious pre-show segment from not too long ago...

Since you felt the need to call me out, I would definitely watch a wooden boy plug away at a frightened but cooperative garden gnome.

Am I the first to point this out...

“In five years, when Tebow is leading Denver into the playoffs and Cam Newton is riding someone’s bench, remember this article.”

Wasn’t sure what to make of this report until the GM weighed in, but now we’ve gotten a denial straight from the horse’s mouth.

I like to think the Panthers signed him just for this game.

He’s more like a stormtrooper, missing all those shots.

“So now it’s okay to force them to dance!?”

“I just called him an English cigarette, dammit!”
