
I have a bit of a crush on her, but even that wasn't enough to get me to watch the show. It was just horrible.

My crush on Kat Dennings aside, I couldn't make it through more than two or three episodes of the show. It was vulgar, not funny, and frankly just stupid. I'm surprised that it developed as big a following as it did, but apparently someone must like it.

He kept reviewing it? I didn't keep reading.

No shit, Sherlock.

That was unexpected, sad, and very sudden. He will be missed.

Christ, I'm still working on the interminably long audiobooks.

You should be more concerned about what he does to YOUR mother with his mouth, amirite?

So basically it's the original on a gigantic budget?

True, but they still feel of a piece.

Shouldn't there be a dude named Merlin too?

This is ridiculous. The guy said something about an authority figure in a country with free speech. Is Trump 12, or something?

Do I want to know?

I'm a fucking paying customer! It's such bullshit!!

You have a new hat!

Evolution is a horrible fucking system. If only we had some other one.

I mean, I've seen them in clothes and stuff…

If only that could get us semi-decent releases of old Donnie Yen films, it might be worth it. Oh, and I'm from Detroit. That wasn't Detroit.

Donnie Yen was badass as fuck though. But if he wants to reinvigorate that franchise, he needs someone as nuts as Justin Lin, not as run-of-the-mill as what we got.

Why am I terrified of getting arrested while millions download bootlegs with impunity?

Learn to spell your network correctly, for starters.