Wasn't he Scorsese's right hand for quite some time?
Wasn't he Scorsese's right hand for quite some time?
Fox owns ESB and ROTJ until 2020 and the original in perpetuity. The speculation is that they'll try to strike a deal with Fox in 2020. I don't want to wait that long.
Great. Another fûcking Star Wars product that ISN'T the fucking remastered original trilogy. If we aren't getting it for the 40th anniversary, which we aren't, we aren't getting it. Fuck Star Wars. I've only ever asked it one thing.
This show bores the hell out of me. And it has zombies. That's impressive.
Great. Soooooooooo…..the originals?
Watchmen is the proverbial "letter, not the spirit" adaptation.
I wish I could think that way. Getting guys like Matt Dillahunty and Christopher Hitchens out of my head is proving impossible. I'm hitting a psychiatrist on Tuesday but unless he can tell me that God exists or erase memories, I'm pretty sure I feel hopeless. I hardly thought about any of this stuff for years, now…
He'll debate pretty much anyone who calls in. I've been over all the classical arguments lately, and my faith is beyond repair. Mostly, I must want to not be able to think about what's bothering me for five fucking minutes. I'm going insane.
They've sort of elavated idiocy to an art form.
2 is fun in an idiotic kind of way. 1, well, it did start everything. 4 is kind of a dull remake of 1, but I still like that GPS race scene.
Thanks for mentioning Mad Max. Now I want George Miller to direct one of these. Fury Road made all of these movies look like Driving Miss Daisy.
I have a female friend who has reliably informed me that Charlie Hunnam is he hottest man ever. She has a flaming lustful crush. As a straight guy, I defer to her judgement.
I've developed an inexplicable obsession with the nastiest brand of YouTube atheists, ala Matt Dillahunty.
I'm not hanging with Catholics (My particular brand is very pro-science though sadly not exactly progressive politically), it's the damn brand of YouTube atheists who's videos I've inexplicably become addicted to. Can't get damn Matt Dillahunty out of my head.
I'm told they're pretty well incompatible, but I hope not. I'm a mess. I feel like I'm in a Bergman film.
Not being a Dick, you're 100% right. But the fact that I feel like I can't is the core of the problem.
How long has the ass-guardian joke been around now?
Where does that expression come from, anyway?