
There is. Every fucking month.

Donald Fucking Trump is the fucking president. You're currently in charge, for God's sake.

Baldwin also filled in for Mako after his passing on Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Hopefully there's an afterlife where and Buddy Holly can jam.

Hey, I understand. Sometimes I think that my obsessive personality deliberately picked something literally unknowable so that the obsessiveness could be worse. But I CANNOT stop, or at least I don't feel like I can, and it's seriously concerning people who love me who've asked if I'm suicidal or worse. It hurts them

I believe I am a good person, or at least the best one I can be, or try to be. I know lots of good people with different views from various walks of life. But I CANNOT get this stuff out of my head; it's stupid. I have about as much desire to engage in a discussion with my mother to try to "make her see she's wrong"

No. I'm not hip to the slang.

She hunts monsters raids tombs, she's all-around eclectic.

MFU was a setup for a franchise we're never unfortunately never going to get.

McQuarrie unquestionably did a great job, but I kind of wish they'd get another director to keep the different flavor for each installment. But as long as he's shooting 35mm, it's hard to fault him.

I still want to know what REALLY went down on this set.


None. And I'm almost 30.

How can you do Iron Fist without Corey Yuen Kwai or Yuen Woo Ping? This is an affront to martial arts fans everywhere!

No, that's another character with whom he's confused himself.

I have got to revisit this one of these days.

They killed all the Mutants?

Blame AOS.

You had me at Bourne.

I fucking begged you to let be on it, but noooooooooooooo……..