He's the comic relief character so i guess it's ok this way?
He's the comic relief character so i guess it's ok this way?
you know what other private entities backed by millionaires are leasing public space indefinitely? Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium and Adler Planetarium. If friends of the parks exists 100 years ago, there wont be be any museums on museum campus.
it's only 1.2 billion because they have to tear down mccormick place. the original plan cost the city nothing and lucas is paying 700 million none the less.
The plan for the museum includes a big park land near the lakefront. Plus they are fighting to keep a museum out of the museum campus.
The intro video they play before an imax 3d movie! the 3d effect of that video is so uncomfortable to watch that i always suspect that it's there just to make whatever follows seems better.
It stands for Jar Jar?
my guess is they were going for a faithful adaptation then one of the writers saw Wicked.