Han Rasmussen

I read that Ace did have lines, he just refused to learn or say them and just did the ACK! thing whenever he was supposed to have a line. They couldn't get him to cut it out so they had to keep it. Peter had to be overdubbed by a voice actor because everything he tried to say was slurred to shit.

If Spawn is barley in it, will the Violator be rye?

Lambert worked on that accent specifically to be unidentifiable and placeless, reflecting his character having lived for hundreds of years in many different places. In the scenes in the Scottish past, he uses a Scottish accent, in the modern scenes he uses that weird one.

He's not Spanish, he's Egyptian.

"The fact is, as I explore in my GEODYSSEY series, men are attracted to
women, and to the shapely ones more than the others, and to the young
ones more than the older ones. I don’t mean to children, but to girls
after they develop breasts and pubic hair, signals of sexual maturity.
This relates to the apparent