
Phoenix penis wins over Promethean penis every time.

Only 6 stars for this? Come on people. Get your life right!

Alright. Take your damn star and see yourself out.

Because it’s all about the time you have spent not the person. It’s part of the same thing that gave Clinton the mindset that the presidency should go to her because it was “her time” It’s some kind of fucked up version of tenure that long time politicians have that makes them think just because they have shuffled

The Punisher is a man torn apart by rage and sadness. His story shows him becoming a self appointed judge, jury and executioner in a effort to right a wrong done to him. He disregards laws and the social contract and takes matters into his own hands. In doing so he becomes a different version of the thing he proclaims

On Justified Boyd Crowder wanted someone to help him get a Dairy Queen franchise as part of his efforts to go legit. I didn’t know if it was a shout out to that or something else.

This guy is a menace to society and should be jailed immediately. How many times do we have to say this.

This. Since they have done such a great job of caring for our currently/previously enlisted people, I am sure they will take the same level of care with the new ones.

Venus VanDamme from SOA might be his greatest moment on film.

Take your damn star.

Donnie Two Scoops should really reconsider that photo for his Twitter account. That pic, and most others of him, make him look like he is thinking “Shart or Fart?”

Is there some tie between Russell and Dairy Queen?

I see your problem friend. You don’t want “Butch Jones” you want “Butch Joans”

Considering Steve Bannon’s stated views I imagine Trump IS the least racist person he knows.

This made me snort....

Yeah that sounds good but I’m going with my gut and blaming the Emopires. I feel gut based logic is the most accurate logic.

There are, of course, credible differences of opinion among climate scientists. Some are Team Jacob, others Team Edward.

Per your request...

I’m never giving up Donnie Two Scoops.

All that salt would ruin your paint. And the tears would probably make your car smell like mayo.