
That's true, but I grew up in a small city in New England, not even that far from New York, and there were plenty of people in my general area whose families had been there multiple generations and who were pretty ignorant of even general information about Judaism. Most people seemed to know about, say, Hanukkah or

I didn't quite understand AP's delivery: did Eddie tell Sarah her brother was "like a frickin' Hassid" during the slip scene in the first episode? In my experience, Gentiles in small Northeastern towns don't know enough about Hassidism to make fun of it, except in the few counties with Hassidic enclaves.

She doesn't have friends, remember? She said so herself.

Hey, I'm a freelancer in Bushwick, probably one of many who are reading this given what show we're talking about. I agree with the above commenter as well, except I love it here anyway, largely because I hate driving. And frankly, having spent a month in Paris once, I like New York better.

Mutual masturbation makes it sound like an exchange of favors! I think Hannah and Elijah would both describe that as so five years ago.

The way Russian names are written in the Roman alphabet depends on what language you're writing in. There's no need to insult a non-native English speaker for not knowing the English spelling.

I wondered if Hendricks was mainly grossed out by the idea of two white people watching his black patients engage in something that's supposed to be extremely private, given that white perspectives hold so much sway over other areas of black people's lives through the institutions they dominate, and given that