hannibal montana

so i paused it on that drawer full of preggers tests, and i quickly counted like 30+ just on the top pile. OCD much, girl?

dude, don't mean to be a dick, but Ahmadinejad is no longer president of Iran since last month (edit: sorry, since August. — "what month are we in now, again?"). The new moderate guy, Rouhani, is willing reach out to the US diplomatically (leading to protests organized by the hardliners just today / yesterday).

i'm reposting this comment here, otherwise i don't think anyone will see it:

absolutely agree.

I'm sorry, but I almost think I'd rather go back to hate-watching "The Following" for fun. "Homeland" always was a right-wing, national-security-state fantasy, but for some reason I put up with it before.

If I were Mike, I'd also be coming back about now, if only to tap that sweet Jessica . . . Morena Baccarin, yum. She's probably the only reason I keep watching this ridiculous mess. It's certainly not for Mandy Patinkin (Det. Sam Francisco).

This show insults my intelligence so many times in so many different ways in just 43 minutes that it is a wonder to behold. And I'm not that intelligent.