Hannibal Lecture

The Sopranos was consistently very funny, right through the final season: "Soprano Home Movies," "Pine Barrens," etc.

Minus the physical abuse and the heroin (which I forgot came up this early), I would like Christopher to be my personal friend. Ahem.

"Boca" is eh. "Tennessee Moltisanti" is great, especially the last scene. Then again, I'm partial to Christopher-heavy episodes because of Michael Imperioli, who's an excellent actor/hotttttt.

"Go Jovi!"


Tony had ways to dispose of irritating crew members (e.g., Ralphie and Feech). But he didn't have those options when it came to his kids, so he had to deal with them. It was also interesting to watch him with his son and then with his made protege Christopher, who was just as hateful and useless as AJ. That, to me,

You gotta bee on-a you hat.

I don't know, I thought that joke was lame even for Tony.

Anyone else notice that, during Citizen Kane movie night, it's Adriana who turns the TV on to reveal the standard pre-feature FBI warning? She uses the remote, the warning comes up, we see the other women looking at the screen, and then there's another shot of the warning. Very deliberate.

Hell's bells, Trudy, can we get Vincent Kartheiser some damn acting awards? This episode's Pete tribute—"A thing like that!"—turned me into a very sensitive piece of horseflesh.