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    While I don't follow the sport that closely and can't make judgements on it, allowing a fighter to repeatedly punch the head of another fighter while he is on the ground seems quite barbaric and cruel to me. But obviously some people enjoy those rules so again, I guess we can't judge.

    Another thing which you have probably already heard of is the flashback system where if you screw up, you can just press F12 or whatever button and then rewind a bit and continue racing. It is amazing to have as it allows you to race 100% knowing if you crash you can just rewind, while in games without it you are

    They made Dirt 3 quite a lot better in terms of classiness if you like, their are waaay waaay more rally races this time and the presentation isn't as american. They finally have the 555 Impreza and the Group B cars aswell!

    Please try to put spoilers in the reply, now I know that Wheatley something something jab something :(

    FPS?, Isn't it more of a melee based game?

    Thanks for taking the time to write your reply. All the info I'm getting at the moment is really helpful and I appreciate you giving me your time

    Thanks for taking the time to write that. I live in New Zealand so I'm not sure yet if I will go to America or move to Australia cause theres only one game developer in NZ. Its great to hear that some companies respect your work life balance. I'm soaking all this information I'm getting up and I really appreciate you

    Thanks for taking the time to write the reply :) Would you know what qualifications you would need to get into the industry? Im thinking of doing computer science to get a degree because I live in New Zealand and theres no specialist game degree on a diploma. Would you recommend getting a degree or a specialist game

    Wow 100 Hours a week! What time were you working from? 6-8pm? Wouldn't you get only around 6-7 Hours sleep cause of commuting time?

    Thanks for your reply. Any part of the industry would be good except QA probably. Do you need to start in QA to get in? Or can you get into a programming or production job straight away if you have the right qualifications?

    Game Evil I think cause that what a voice says when you start the game up

    Hey guys i'm thinking about getting into the gaming industry (I go to high school at the moment) and am just wondering how realistic these figures are.

    I think I read a while ago that they tried to make an Audiosurf for the iOS, but the iOS's restriction over how your music is able to be used in apps made it impossible. Cause you can only play music in the background and not analyze it and stuff like that. Not sure about Android though.

    heh. I would think that making it just one life obviously makes it like real life, where if you die, your dead. This probably makes the game a whole lot more nerve racking, knowing you cant just re do it.


    I would think cause their is no point in holstering it as it would just waste time when you have to take it out to shoot someone

    Wasn't the "12 Ways Consoles Are Hurting Gaming" already posted as a article on here AND Gizmodo..... WTF MAN!

    I must say this years Funny Or Die April fools joke is quite funny, way better then last years Bieber one

    I think the main reason that has not happened yet is cause their are a an massive amount of idiots online so removing all of them would remove a lot of the big companies profit. I wish it could happen then.

    My Lord, He is Fucked