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    @legerrid: Actually, if you have been reading the previews than Konami have done quite a big revamp of the game, now every kicks power and direction is manually controlled (thats the blue line you can see under the players in the video) and apparently their still finishing up all the animations etc. I'm probably still

    @Sam-urai: Didn't that game originally come out in 2004?

    International Cricket 2010

    Who's House???????


    @illiniphase4: I think the system of "rewarding lesser team through fluke goals" is what makes Football so great. It allows any team to have a chance as long as their in touching distance scoreline wise.

    @wtf_G: Agreed, I live down in New Zealand and bought Madden 10 for my iPod, but I had no idea what the hell was going on as we Kiwis don't watch Amercian Football (shock!). If there was a proper tutorial explaining the rules I might of actually got a point

    In Picture 1 the speedometers are on the opposite side to the real life picture!

    @dowingba: They already are, the WRC (Rally) Cars in the game are from the 2008 season.

    50kp - We finally hear something official about a new Syndicate. (50:1)

    @Demonbird: Yes, but that cheap guitar will probably not be that good and if you want an electric you have to factor in an amp, unless its hollowbody, but those are even more expensive.

    Wow, I have been pretty uninterested in the music games coming out but the tracklist so far is pretty good. I mean Bohemian Rhapsody is an obvious inclusion but the other two 60-70s songs are also classics and I am pleasantly surprised they included "Lasso" by Phoenix. Now if only I had more money...

    I want!

    @Murderdolls: Wow, nice one, I didn't know you could get a star straight away, I thought it was only for HyperMultiTaps

    @RedEye: I'm pretty sure that SCEE had the license and that Codemasters just got it last year?

    Rock Band - Because every itineration is well made and hardly ever just a small update, and adds many improvements.

    I was just playing Left 4 Dead 2 this afternoon and I absolutely loved the developer commentary mode. It really helps you know how games are created and the way they presented the mode is just so cool.

    Guitar Hero.