"We're gonna kidnap God. And we're not gonna let him go, until we get our damn money back." - starring Liam Neeson and Nicolas Cage.
"We're gonna kidnap God. And we're not gonna let him go, until we get our damn money back." - starring Liam Neeson and Nicolas Cage.
I found it kind of funny he wanted *us* to tell *him* if he'd be upset without telling him anything at all about the show. Generally I try to form my own opinions based on available information, however unpleasant it may be.
The 13 reasons why The 13 Reasons Why is being renewed, #1-13: money.
You could clarify that a little bit. A girl commits suicide in order to get back at everyone that she feels has wronged her in the slightest, and it totally works. The End.
Dude, you need to be careful about saying shit like that, what you trying to do, lose your job at CNN?
Uncle Tito burned his eyes out staring into an eclipse.
Technically I think it's illegal for him to delete tweets since all presidential communications are suppose to be preserved, of course nothing posted the internet ever goes away. And not like anything like legality matters anymore.
True it is ridiculous, but honestly is anything all that unbelievable at this point? Suppose Trump decided to do that, would anyone stop him?
"I got a Sifl and Olly notification for this?!"
I just assumed it was makeup for the scars.
Eh I'm fine with a couple of episodes of Emily Browning running around naked, even if she is a bit scarred up. :)
Oh man I just now realized she was in Sucker Punch. Totally did not recognize her as a brunette.
Hmm, I not sure Ratatouille should have been taken as an inspiration for a dining experience.
Umm wasn't the Doctor Who equivalent of the Matrix actually the Matrix introduced way back in the Tom Baker era?
Creates subtitle hack and infects users, creates a bunch of bogus charities like the "Human Fund", tells Professor Boredom to pay up. Profit!
I probably will too, once they finally release the damn Apple TV app for it.
The Guild Navigator did have tiny hands though.
Oh I'm so sorry. About Pizza Hut being your favorite pizza franchise that is. I assume that's what you meant? :)
Coming back home after seeing Empire Strikes Back and talking with my dad about if Darth Vader was lying about being Luke's father. Before that it's all an indistinct blur just a continuous part of my childhood since I can remember.
Why exactly you would be allowing flat-earth truthers in your life is the real problem that should be addressed.