Hank Wilhelm Scream Jr

Yeah Michael C Hall has the distinction of being in both the best series finale ever (Six Feet Under) and the worst.

I assume they've done a Patty Hearst movie? I mean I assume they must have by now?

Um, don't you mean in other direction? Jolie is practically transparent at this point.

Well thank god this thing at least has a built in end date, right? Please say it does.

I dunno, Noomi Rapace maybe?

The Girl with the Failed Unnecessarily Remade Franchise.

Didn't you notice the sound of police sirens was European as well?

It can also be none of those things.

I live in Austin, and I completely avoid downtown when SXSW is going on.

Well it's not like that couldn't have CGI'ed it.

In the immortal words of Beavis, "Fire! Fire! Fire!"

Yeah what a bunch of clowns!

I have no idea what you're talking about!

That's preposterous!

I can think of two things wrong with that title.

I'm now thinking they going to just radically change that whole storyline and move it over to Dawes and the kid.

For book readers, anyone notice in the credits "Inaros Chieftain"?

Let me guess, was it "duh fuck?"

ELO score? So the VIP section is for Chess grandmasters?

Everyone knows nobody plays an American better than a British or Australian actor.