Hank Wellman

It always stymies Trump supporters when I reveal that I don't "watch" the news—in fact, I don't get cable.

I miss the Reagan years, when only stupid people insisted that professional wrestling was "real".

'Member the daily "Newswire" updates from the set of the "Ghostbusters" reboot? Those were the days!

Has the AV Club ever tackled the whole "Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways" controversy?

A new Batman movie? That makes…how many that I've now missed in the past five years?

Is Robert Wuhl demanding a recount?

Great—yet another movie supposedly being released tomorrow…but in only six cities—Hollywood, San Diego, Ann Arbor (MI), Cambridge (MA), Winchester (VA) and NYC.

I have exactly one friend in Chicago, and she argues that the reason Trump has it out for Chicago is because it was the one city that successfully used civil unrest to prevent him from making a campaign stop there last year.

There are five standard Republican talking points these days: (1) Crybaby libtard snowflake cuck; (2) He won, you lost, suck it up and go to your safe space; (3) Fake news; (4) Hillary = c*nt/Obama = liar; and (5) Trump represents US not THEM.

I've now not seen eight of these things?

I've never been much into the whole magic/fantasy thing. It probably dates back to when I was a kid—pre-Potter—when I was browbeaten into reading "Watership Down" and those Narnia books (which turned out to be a bunch of stealth Christian crap.)

Just watched this season on Blu-Ray. For what it's worth, Parker and Stone claim that in presuming a Clinton election victory, they relied, not on poll results, but on what the Vegas oddsmakers were predicting.


I'm still waiting for the chance to own Rebecca Black's "Friday" on compact disc.

Wow! The first sentence of this article used the word "iconic"—TWICE!

I really wasn't especially excited about this film until I heard that Donald Glover had been cast as Lando Calrissian. Then I became relatively interested.

I really don't know Larry the Cable Guy for anything else he's done besides Mater—I just know I'm supposed to hate him.

I mean hey, why do they call them "Grape Nuts"?

If you liked the first two, you'll like "Cars 3" However, if you're too embarassed to stay at a Hard Rock hotel, you'll certainly want to make it a point to trash "Cars 3" at every opportunity (along with James Franco, Billy Corgan, and Shia LaBeouf.)

It's "funbarassing"!