
This guy has a jerkoff on his team taking run after run at Tuukka Rask and he’s complaining about penalties?

*runs over Rask again* I can’t believe they’re doing this to us!

At this rate there are going to be more articles on Deadspin regarding this than the actual Stanley Cup Final games.

@Laura Wagner- President Trump offends women and people of color routinely , and yet he still has plenty of support from women and people of color. Truth is anytime you write about Barstool, you get the page views you seek, which is why you love writing about them. Barstool is synonymous with Boston sports fandom,

Say what you will about Barstool, but Deadspin, you’re being a bit of a douchebag yourselves here. Zero coverage of the Stanley Cup Finals so far, and when I do finally see something it’s because of a fucking towel? A+ sports journalism.

Game 1 was Monday Deadspin! Any words on, ya know, the actual hockey game?

How is this the first article about the Finals?

How is this the first post on the Stanley Cup Finals? I have been holding out for something interesting on how Tarasenko eats his pancakes but I guess this will have to do. 

Stop screwing around and put some wings on that thing.

I mean, allegations of cheating aside, it’s pretty damn rude to be driving down the hole while the rest of your group is teeing off.

Baseball has become a game of broken algorithms.

Broke down while in the showroom?  This is unprecedented levels of BMW.

I mean it appears they made a good faith effort to resolve the issue and she didn’t respond. Either take legal action or resolve the issue directly with them. It appears she was actually creating more drama in this situation than was necessary by refusing to respond. 

And remember this guy isn’t a tour caddie and barely speaks English. The only thing he did for Kuchar is carry the bag and MAYBE give him some local knowledge of the course. He does not deserve a full share. If I were Kuchar I would buy the golf course and fire this whiny prick. Besides, why would you want to have over

He had an agreement with they guy and the dude bitched after the fact.

Wow the hatred. You all must be so sad in the head. Kuchar is a nice man, donates thousands to charities , solid marriage, liked by most players, their families and golf fans. I he did scewup and owned it and then some. To call him an A hole or Fk him is pathetic. I guarantee you miserably minded people dont have much

Tiger Woods destroys his family and Kuchar has to eat crow because people don’t like the terms he and Ortiz agreed upon. This society is only getting worse by the second

Kuchar and the Caddie agreed on a fee. Kuchar paid the agreed upon amount. Kuchar SHOULD have paid more, and since he didn’t voluntarily do it, he looks like a pompous asshole.

I know this won’t be popular but good for him. Perhaps he really did grow as a person after messing up. I know that there are plenty of reasons to be skeptical and it’s possible he did it only for PR reasons and internally feels pissed or screwed but I like to believe that he really does feel some remorse and not just

Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!