
My thoughts exactly. Once they add unrestricted PvP (aka the death of SWG) then we know its all over.

Sounds exactly like the book Mogworld - a great listen for those that like absurd and comedic books.

He did actually...

I usually give it a good lick before I put it back in.

Wow go fcuk yourself. Know when its too soon.

Sorry if stupid question but is it assumed the game will only be available on xbox?

Neither here nor there but he’s paralyzed from the waist down so not sure this would be his flex

Star Wars Galaxies....

Happy some posted this. SWG was a genre standard before WoW came out.

Can’t you just accept my humblebrag without making assumptions about my life?

FWIW - I lived next to him in HK during the IPO process (i.e., only two apartments per floor with common washing machine). He was always super nice, offered to grab beers, and never made a fuss when I had way too many people in my tiny serviced apartment late night. I even accidentally opened his mail when it was

Uh no.

Wait, what happened?

I lived next to that rest restaurant and the food was amazing. fooking incredible.


I’ve skied all three of the “resorts” you mentioned and would say that they are so different that this might be the only thing that they have in common. Your assessment of the terrain is lacking, but I agree they are all snobbish in their own special way.

How is this the first article about the Finals?

Ugh that’s a good looking Cruiser, except for the silly rack.

Great read and sorry you had to go through this.

Hes probably a decent match play golfer if he keeps it in play. Can’t imagine he could pull together a decent 18 on tape.