
I’m just gonna leave this here.

If your reaction to breaking your diamond chain, is to throw the remainder of said diamond chain into the dirt in disgust, this is a sign that you may have too much money.

What’s next?

Dicky, a comedy-rapper, is the worst kind of hybrid act. He’s not funny enough to be a comedian, nor is he talented enough to be a rapper.

Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

This guy is gonna be pissssssed

I’m willing to bet that she weighs the same as a duck

Is anyone else most encouraged that he has neither a chin strap goatee or gas station sunglasses?

All I know is, if I had that kind of dough, I’d be too busy driving my Lamborghini made out of cocaine to my private lake filled with whiskey to be mad about anything.

Looks like his knee also left in tears.

This is really upsetting to see. I mean I live in the northeast and have to drive all the way to Ohio before I see a Steak ‘n Shake and there it is just taunting me with is delicious goodness on that ad there

I know it would be kind of cheesy, but why isn’t this place called Little Caesar’s Palace?? And then just “The Palace.” Is it the lawyers? It’s probably the fucking lawyers. And I’m not even saying that’s an ideal name. I’m just saying if it’s Little Caesar’s who has the naming rights, and that’s what you’ve got to

Announcers were puzzled by Curry’s insistence on hitting from ten yards being the tee box throughout the round.

If that guy had invented a machine that gets the straw into those god-forsaken bags, he’d be a bazillionaire.

Because it’s fucking cool, shut up

In true supercar fashion it will get stuck halfway through the transition and they will have to remove the engine to replace it.

It’s a digital display, not a bunch of unchangeable analog gauges. Why not just strip down the information on the same screen display instead of going all Missy Elliot and put the thing down flip it and reverse it? Seems pointlessly complicated and like something that will just end up breaking. It’s English mechanics

I think a stronger distinction needs to be made here between hedge funds (with fee structures of 2 and 20%) and traditional asset managers with fees in the 0.5% to 1% ish range (the overall trend is down due to passive). I’m all for pensions getting in on the passive game to a greater degree, but to suggest they go

Now playing

Jean van De Velde did first and did it better.