
My grandmother went through it in the late 90s. She showed a lot of the same traits as Donald Trump - complete disregard of facts, even when directly confronted with them; unreasonable aggression and anger over what should’ve been minor situations; unwillingness to admit that it was even within the realm of

Don’t wake up, you’ll be in Atlanta.

I was playing in the living room and football was on so I had the sound on low. At some point one of my roommates wanted to watch a show so I muted it, he immediately looked at me and was like, “Yo don’t turn that off, its really good.”

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

The boat didn’t get ruined because of it’s name, it got ruined because the doofus driving it was drunk! Glad no one was killed or injured, we take that shit seriously here in Connecticut/ New York and everyone else should too!

Tim Kaine isn’t mad at the Republican party, he’s just disappointed.

I must have watched this clip with the sound off 50 times...

Personally, I’m just surprised that no one has tried to fill it with tomato sauce and cheese and tried to call it a pizza yet.

Hand over the diesel manual wagons first.

Ski Resort Manager - “Dammit Sven! I said we need an Arctic snowcat to groom the ski runs.”

Cats that act like dogs are the best cats.

I was behind one of these with the big tailgate letters, didn’t know if it was a name or a request

She looks like Raiden in that getup.

Whenever the End Times come, we need to make sure we save Antonio Cromartie for re-population purposes.

His real crime was shooting video in portrait.

Looks like tire changes might be a little bit slower.

Even Romans know to deposit money in Switzerland to keep it away from greedy tax collectors!

Uh huh. Those of us who read the article got this from the following passage: