
FWIW - Not really that surprising that he (maybe) won a 9 hole match play round, especially if his game is as described (i.e., straight and consistent). I’ve lost similar matches to seemingly geriatric players who hit the same hybrid 150 yds dead-straight. I doubt Trump has to cheat or bend the rules to win those

Dave Shinskie played some minor league baseball before taking the starting QB role at BC when he was 25 or something like that. Didnt pan out

Star Wars Galaxies was the best game ever.

I played tennis against them as well. At regional they entered their top 2 singles players as a doubles team and never lost a game through the whole thing. We lost in the semis in a rather depressing fashion.


“Here comes the putter throw”

I would say Valentino has a better understanding than most re: the reason so many play golf. It is sometimes not about the gear or the score but the just being prison in a beautiful, calming setting.

Was William/MiB posioning his father-in-law with the alchy each time he came into to do the test because he doesn’t like him and is just toying with him forever or something? I feel there there was a point when the tech was uber confused and William/MiB was all - yeh knew that was going to happen.

This feels so much like what is going on in Hong Kong as it relates to the Chinese national anthem...

Love these HK auto shops. Came across this E-type in Kennedy Town getting a full service (notice the plastic on the seats):

This for me caused the true horrible scale and nature of his actions to hit me full on - I had not thought to put myself the shoes of a victim’s family member, and to see it happen sickens me.

FWIW - Min-Liang Tan is my next door neighbor in Hong Kong and is a super nice guy. Seems very down to earth / chill - even when I accidentally opened his mail.

I live in Hong Kong and I was trying hats on at a local market with some friends. After some goofy poses and faces I placed the hat back on the table - only then to notice that the entire pile of hats was crawling with small tact-sized spiders. I am not sure if any were on the hat I had put on but yeh I went and

Sansa is definietly a little jealous of her siblings new skillz versus her terrible experiences (e.g., seeing everything from anytime, changing faces, swinging small swords, dying and coming back alive).

pshh - I heard he shot an 18.

Having lived 30 seconds from that exit I can attest to the fact that people do this all the time and there are constantly accidents.

Tiger has constantly made major changes to his swing throughout his career to deal with new injuries, especially to his back and knee. I agree his back is not in a good place but he has also shown he can adapt and still win.

Just to be clear - we are talking about the same Tiger that won 5 tourneys and had 9 top 10 finishes since 2013?

I believe he is actually from University of Hartford - am I wrong?