Hank Toms

Eh, I think episode 15 is when we find out how Ollie keeps his hood on while driving a motorcycle. Minds will be blown!

Ollie and Digg's new digs?

Eh, I thought it started out with a bang and then it fizzles out.

Just realized that Mark Helprin is NOT the author of Game Change. That would be Mark Halperin.

I don't know about that. To me he looked literally wigged out!

Yeah I'm also hoping there's something more to the Slade-Ollie split other than "you boinked the lady I secretly had a thing for and now she's dead and I'm blaming you because I have to blame somebody"!

That was my take on the Roy scene too. In fact I'm thinking Roy knows who Arrow is now.

That's because Diggle plays a lot of Xbox in the Arrow Cave and the Kinect camera reports directly back to the NSA.

As far as the costume is concerned I laughed during the episode when Ollie's speeding down the street on a motorcycle and yet the hood's STILL ON!

Word. That's what I thought. Ollie and DIg never saw his face did they? When Cyrus fights them again, sans, mask, they're gonna be all, "Who IS this guy" but then Gold will reference their last fight and Ollie's gonna be all, "aw snap! It's Grundy dawg!"

More like the enemy of my enemy is my sister's dad, my dead best friends dad, my dead dad's old best friend, AND my mom's one time boff buddy.

And Least Original Romantic Relationship.

Just so you know, no it hasn't. That's gross.

Good to see Brooklyn Nine Nine got some love.