
Cop finally comes and brings them out the gym to talk like it was an elementary school fight. You could tell he was blown cause his time was wasted

Holy Christ, that Kim Possible.

Idiots will spend multiple thousands of dollars to get a lot of things.

Imagine being an adult and being mad that you didn’t get an Ezekiel Elliot autograph at a fantasy football convention.

Now playing

I like this one better just because of how clean and perfect it is:

This meme never goes out of use, unfortunately.

“At that moment I’m like, ‘Wait, hold up. Have a good day, ma’am. Namaste.’ And I rolled my window up,” he told the news station.

“Hello police? There is a man aligning his chakram in his car which is making me nervous.”
“Is he using the Bikram method?”
“No he seems to be using the modified Sivananda - which is SO wrong.”
“We’ll be right there!”

As he was listening to his Bikram yoga CD

Still, the police department said that the woman did the right thing by calling them, encouraging others to say something if they see something.

Jesus Christ, this woman wholly created this situation from thin air. And the gall of the police department to encourage this shit by publicly stating she did the right thing. See something, say something doesn’t really work if white people are seeing things that aren't there.

Centrism is a vehicle for votes and your rejection of it necessitates loss.

I didn’t know Sasha could play a convincing teen girl.  Damn he’s good.

Because Jesus told him not to. And when Jesus tells you something...well, you should probably check into a mental hospital because you are having delusions.

It’s now the conspiracy theory party. Full on transition. A few years ago, we used to laugh at Alex Jones and condemn his stupid thoughts. Now those same thoughts are on Fox News and being repeated by Senators and House members. It’s legit frightening how stupid a large portion of our country is.

Who still hasn’t conceded.  

Of course they won’t face any consequences -- they endorsed a pedophile in Alabama and everyone was upset for about 20 minutes before the next inexcusable GOP scandal erupted. This is what we now call “Par for the course”.

Jesus, they sound like Mets fans (and everyone else the Royals beat) in 2015.

“Well, ya know, they just play superb defense and have one of the best bullpens of all time ... but they’re actually not really a good team. They’re just getting lucky. We’re actually better than them.”