
Excellent article. I question why the NFL would allow an avowed Giants fan, whose family has had season tickets for 60 years, who has a shrine to Eli Manning and Phil Simms in her Giants colors painted sports cave, rule on any case involving the Giants or their rivals-especially in a matter as important as domestic

“What are you doing? What is that? I recognize that. What is that?”

Its not that she is crazy. Its that there are literally no witnesses to the events who corroborate what she says, many even contradict it, medical experts cant determine if the bruises matches the time frame she gives for when Elliot hit her, she made attempts to extort, blackmail and bring in false witnesses, and

No, she understands rather well - it may be good business sense, but it’s also complete fucking bullshit.

Oh don’t get me started on that asshole. Everyone here fucking loves Wilson because he played one fucking year at Wiscy. Bring up that Kaepernick was actually born in Wisconsin and watch them get pissed. The joke is that any black guy in GB probably plays for the Packers but they actually assume that up there. I have

It’s perfect that the Seahawks are next because the only player possibly more phony and manufactured that Watt is fucking Russell Wilson. I hate them both on a very irrational level.

One of the worst parts about living in WI are the mouth-breathing Packers fans who look for any reason whatsoever to fellate the Watt family as if they are Wisconsin’s first fucking family or something. They swear that if only the packers could find a way to get the two Watt’s on the roster they will never lose again.

I’m just looking forward to the Texans relocating to San Diego.

Houston resident (not a Texans fan), loving this. I have to put up with enough of JJ Watt’s face every time I go to HEB that this feels like catharsis.

I was a bit surprised too at how pro-Fed the crowd was but he’s always the crowd favorite- always. It doesn’t matter who or where he’s playing. I’ve watched a lot of tennis and I can’t think of a match where the crowd wasn’t pulling for Federer.

The city is used to dead bodies.

Agreed. I generally hate tennis crowds, especially in NYC. Turn-coats. We’re suppose to “never forget” but they can’t root for a young American player killing it??!! Weak!

I am SO PROUD of Francis! Great effort!

You did see the part where someone specifically emailed him to tell him he was looking forward to it among the misery, right? And that mostly this is all in good fun for laughs

I didn’t see it, but it’s absolutely insane that an upstart — and a 19-year-old American, at that — would not have a majority of the crowd behind him in the fifth set of the US Open against an all-time great. Frankly, everyone in that audience last night can suck my ass, and I look forward to seeing them rooting their

The thing is, the crowd at the US Open is very international, at least during the times I’ve attended. There are folks from all over. Federer is probably the biggest star in tennis (and a lot of his fans are a bunch of front runners) so I wasn’t too surprised that he was getting bulk of the cheers.

any ace who goes over to New York or Boston just looks like a fucking soulless merc.

Yes, especially if you watched Shapavolov beat Nadal in Canada a few weeks back... where 99.7% of the crowd was rooting for their countryman... Just a byproduct of the US Open being so big, so inclusive, and full of people with money (especially on Ashe) who only know the marquee names

I’ve known Frances personally since he first went to College Park. Love the kid, love his heart, and he’s going to be special. Regardless of any bullshit “analysis” John McEnroe tries to throw about shot selection, etc.... He played the GOAT, in a third prime of his career and clearly at the top of the game, on the

assigned to the Triple-A Albuquerque Isotopes