
Because few people can resist the allure of putting a black woman in her place

“You tell me.”


When we were deciding on whipped cream purchases, my mom looked at me and told my dad to get the bigger size. Still not sure if I should be offended.

Has anyone done extensive academic research comparing people who become better looking as adults vs good looking kids who became unattractive as adults. I’m just wondering who fares better psychologically. The late bloomers are often plagued with imposter syndrome bc of the bad childhood experiences but it’s just as

*blushes* I’m flattered! Thank you, kindly denizens of Jezebel🤗

It has so many issues, but Lena Dunham is a talented writer and it’s a really well-made show, flaws and all.

The Matt Damon voiceover in the trailer/commercial is so self-important it makes me want to gag:

News Flash! Catholics gonna Catholic! Full story at 110 AD

Counterpoint: American cheese makes the BEST grilled cheese, and you are wrong!

Oh for fuck’s sake.

You are all hypocrites. All of you. Fuck off.

Taiwan is a liberal democratic country (COUNTRY, fuckers) with a democratically elected president (not leader - president, and that’s Doctor President to you). She is a PhD holder who is the first female president of Taiwan and the first democratically


Thank you, thank you! We always strive to assign responsibility where it actually rests, and follow our trains of thought to their logical conclusions!

Sadly, its a civil suit, not a criminal trial, so there will be no “trying him” or “convicting him.”

Once a week I get together with a group of friends to go walking for a few hours. I’m realizing that we rarely talk about our husbands, exes, etc. Occasionally a male boss will come up in the context of bitching about work but mostly we’re talking about our own stuff. I never thought of this as rare.

If he is considering running for president in 2020, he is killing his chances by sticking around. But as a super lib, I’m fine with him ruining his chances.

I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.