
Any street car with a huge aluminum spoiler.

Im thinking (hoping) his point is all the POS civics with giant park bench size spoilers on the back. Spoilers have a purpose but not on 95% of the street cars they are sloppily bolted to.

For most FWD cars you see on the street, absolutely.

After test driving one in the evening in downtown (right at the heart of rush hour, stupid I know), I would wholeheartedly agree.

Here here! Absolutely what I was coming in to post. Had one for a little while, and if I knew I was going to be driving across town and mostly sitting in traffic, I’d walk right past the 911, Range Rover, R8, and others for this. One pedal driving makes less wear on your knees, there is absolutely no vibration from

These things are super accessible if you find one Certified Pre-Owned. Seems like a solid choice.

I want to say i3... Hear me out!!!

“...it paid 40 percent of its earnings to a traffic company that ran the unmanned speed camera system...”

Ya know it’s been making me nuts why you asked about the exhaust so I finally finally went back and looked at the picture and remebered that when that picture posted it was upside down. Normal in my gallery but when applied to the thread it was upside down. I flipped it in edit and posted it again. The picture is

You wouldn’t put an E30 M3 on the track? And he is the heathen?

If it was available here in europe at this price, I’d get up, go to the bank, and buy it immediately.

Pretty sure they did 2 months ago.

Derp...wagons on the brain as usual.

Americans will find salvation when they throw off their Anglo shackles.

They’re actually red and it’s an old BMW trademark, so I’m sad to see them gone. Maybe it’s symbolic for how much BMW has changed over the past few years...

What? The orange and black dials are awesome you shut your dirty mouth.

Beaten only by the occasional sports car that gets stuffed on the drive home from the dealership.

Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?