
Aw, did I just get spoiled? I'm watching and reading this reviews one at a time.

"But with a little work, this is how we could feel."

Annie and Abed make a great pair as she brings out a different side to him and vice versa. One of my favorite episodes ever is Virtual Systems Analysis.

That was a great line and reading by Ken. Very funny.

If Annie is too immature now for Jeff, then that right there tells you there's too big of an age difference. He's 40, is he supposed to wait around for her to grow up?

See I don't think it was a great Annie episode only because she's been down this road before. She's threatened to leave Greendale in the past and has also changed her mind on something after being so adamant about her initial position.

"I can't tell if I should give them the benefit of the doubt that this is building up to something or they just think humiliating her is fun."

I loved that episode.

That makes her 24. :)

She's been in three episodes, he's been in two. Give him a chance.

Yeah I wasnt buying the whole Annie threatens to leave Greendale again thing. They need to give that a rest.

Me too, although I admit to not liking that prospect either to be honest. I hope she goes out another way but I don't see that happening.

I definitely notice a sound difference but then again I have a top notch turntable and the records I have are all VG+ to NM. I put on a record recently, one I've listened to at least 50 times or so on CD, and was really excited by the different stuff I was hearing.

I'm years late to this conversation but I have to say, it's absolutely ridiculous to criticize a show that is showing continuity from one episode to the next. That's one of the stupidest criticisms I've ever heard regarding a TV show. There's was nothing wrong with following through on the dental visit, nothing at

"Yes he's leavaaaaaa-ha-ha-haaan, on that midnight train to Georgia."
*Tracy stares at Jenna all pissed off*

Well, lol I am a huge Todd fan and am sad to seem him go. I came here to read this because I thought it might be the last piece he's done for avclub.
Aaaaand he spoils me on Breaking Bad in the first sentence. I really can't believe I've avoided all spoilers so far until this very second. Yeah yeah it's my own fault

I said the same thing after watching it. I had seen people getting upset about the finale, that it came from out of nowhere but I had faith he'd build up to it through the writing.

Agreed. So that made him like what…35 and her 18 when he was making out with her? I always thought it was a bit creepy but now even more so.

One of the writers put that bit of dialogue from the script up on twitter and in the script it said (Gary Oldman) so I'm assuming that's why the closed captioning got it.

I want to change my grade to an A- instead of a B+ after watching it again.