Hank Harwell

All true. I think it's greatest strength was focusing on Loki as the sole villain that could bring the whole world down. Every other franchise seems to think bigger = more villains/more people on screen. Whedon kept the rosters about as tight as possible and made every major character shine. It'll be interesting to

That's a fair point, but it's all things that Hangouts can do/ does across multiple platforms

Sarah wasn't fridged, at least not in the traditional sense. Her death has way more to do with galvanizing Laurel than it has to do with Ollie.

This why, every time I see James Hong, my first reaction is "Hey it's Lo Pan!"

Jack Burton Baby!

I mean c'mon... seriously? Is there anything better?

Willow... "Went away? "I dwell in darkness without you" and it *went away*?"

The entire NuTrek franchise basically coasts on name recognition and nostalgia.

When even an eight-year-old (which is how old I was when I first saw it) knows you're pandering, you might have overdone it a bit.

Now playing

The show is worth it just for moments like this:

He may be Mr. Hyde, but I will always call him Dr. Poots.

I'm with you there.

In the land of Looney Tunes, Doctor Who is known as What's Up, Doc?

and that's assuming they could get past the fact that the Fiddler actually plays a goddamned violin, not a fiddle.

Darth doesn't recognize his own daughter nor does he seem to recognize Threepio as the protocol droid he build with his own hands.