
You’d think they’d be flying high with that 4-20 record!

“Remember the Titans?”

I know - 6 wins seems a bit ambitious for this squad

Guys are running away with that 25% chance to pick first. After that just a few more years of tanking to fill out the roster and...oh shit Okafor just signed with Miami. Well shit.

This comment might be the literal embodiment of Stockholm Syndrome.

You’ve got to go through Hell before you get to Hinkie. -Steve Miller Band

Sure, it’s tough on the players. But as a fan I’m looking forward to the 41 first round picks this team will have in the 2038 draft.

I know it won’t happen, but the Philadelphia 6-76ers would be the among the greatest accomplishments in the history of the sport.

Damn, a team hasn’t played this bad since the last season the 76ers had.

I’m not in a state to be able to speak on it

Denial...which step is that?

Heard him on Dan Patrick’s show this morning. He’s probably got the jersey already on order.

This old video was shot in the present and features the Future. #mindblown

This just in: someone likes something i don’t. To the internet!

Still better than his previous go-to defense, “Fuck you, I’m rich and I’m telling daddy.”

He must’ve had himself in all his DFS lineups.

Simmons, who’s from Melbourne, Australia

Welcome to the Philadelphia 76ers, Ben! You’re right leg is now broken and your left ACL has exploded. If you’ll just step into this jar of amber liquid, we’ll store you here in this closet with our other big time future talents. Remember, the 2023 title is the only important one. Now breathe the liquid into your

he’s done it while playing a style of basketball that’s more than a little reminiscent of college-era Lamar Odom

Who in their right mind decided field hockey was a better sport than this?