
Alan Johnson and John Thomas brought a couple 1974 Porsche RSR’s to a Porsche club event Ontario Motor Speedway. I got a ride with John for a session.

Coolest car? It’s a tie between a Jensen Interceptor and a Bricklin SV1.

I wrote this on Oppo years ago, but since my dad is currently in ICU fighting for life, I think it’s ok to repost again in his honor. Hang in there Pops....

Your ROTC had its own vehicles?! What was it like going to a school that had, like, funding and stuff?

There’s somebody (well, several somebodies) renovating a house across the street. One of them has a *pristine, massively lifted* H2. It’s truly wild to look at. It’s tow hitch must be three feet tall from where it meets the receiver to where the trailer hooks up.

Fuck this thing.

I will roll and chief the fattest joint in celebration.

That hit me in the feels, HW.  On the nose, on point, from another last wave Gen X-er.

What the fuck are you talking about

By stating that we aren’t bound to honor harmful ideologies or embrace hateful symbols asheritage” just because we have ties to a certain place or maybe have some rotten branches on the family tree? You can either walk me through this or we can agree we feel the same way about it.

Genuinely curious how you arrived at that conclusion. I'll use fewer words. Confederate flag bad. People who fly it also bad. Heritage not an excuse.

Without having to think about it, Raphael Orlove’s fantastic, long piece on the history of Mazda’s failed attempt at a luxury brand and the resulting Mazda Millenia. Since it all happened in the pre-mass-market internet days, the only way to hear the story is from a ton of the important, high-up people who were

You have naked women on your mudflaps? I hate you. Easy peasy. 

One day there’ll be huge longitudinal study released showing the personalities of those who buy/modify these ginormously oversized trucks, and I firmly believe that the owner’s sense of humility/empathy/sense of fairness will be strongly inversely correlated to the size/height of their truck. Yet....directly

Unabashedly socialist, thanks!

Having sold my 2005 S60R (Venetian Red), I can’t agree more about bringing back the 5cyl!

Bread lines and ugly shoes. Has this moran seen TFG’s gold shoes? Has he seen the economic numbers comparing and contrasting GQP and Dem terms? Inflation in this country is lower than any developed nation on earth (and driven mostly by corporate greed) and we’ve recovered from the nightmare of death and destruction

What a sad, miserable existence, waiting for some random blog to end just out of spite. If you hate coming here so much, have you considered doing or reading things you actually enjoy?

Cool and all. But this car just never made any sense to me. All the gorgeous looks of a Mark 4 Jetta with the anonymity of it too. Paired with an overly complex but not all that powerful engine. For way too much money. I mean, as a technical exercise it’s cool and all. But man, I wouldn’t touch that thing with a 10

We should absolutely be fining loud babies. Lots of people enjoy the sound of a Lambo, no one is saying “oh cool a screaming baby”