
ATL’s pedestrian logistics are fine given there’s something like 200 gates - the only major issue I’ve run into there is security wait times can be unpredictably long. The layout’s pretty efficient in the secure area, and the Plane Train does its job admirably.

I’ve only seen one Fast and the Furious movie...

Anything from the Fast & Furious franchise.

That’s not a 1953 Corvette, that’s more like a ‘58 that included significant improvements like a 283 ci V8 with 290 horsepowers. Damn kids these days.

This - so much this. The reward is not there for the inevitable pain.

Super cool. I was able to see them working on restoring prototype #2 when I passed through the auto museum in Reno about ten years ago. It’s now on display in the main exhibition area somewhere if I recall correctly.

Came here for this.  Joe Isuzu for the win!

I promise!!!

Animal cruelty is one of the indicators of psychopathy, after all.

Every hump is a speed hump. Just ask my wife. Wakka, wakka, wakka.


Is joke. 

I second the book as being great. Get it from the library though, the author has shown himself to be an absolute nutjob, no reason to give them any money.

Years ago I watched a show on...fuck, I don’t know; one of those cable channels...about what the planet would be like if humanity just disappeared. “Fortunately,” the show said, “we have a practical example of this right now.” And then showed a ton of footage of Gary. I drove through it once just to see it, and wow.

Oh of course. I was laughing as I was writing it. None of this behavior is normal or ok.

Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.

This is true of the Merc Tracer/Mazda 323 as well. It was one of the few times that Ford outdid Mazda on a stable mate, the Probe/MX-6 being a prime example of how Ford stumbled compared to Mazda.

What ruined wagons in the US was the marketing machine that pushed SUVs into every American’s waking hours. The Hummer H2 led that marketing charge. Back in 2000 you still had a number of good options for wagons that didn’t wear the Volvo badge, but Americans were too busy being sold on how ‘cool’ SUVs were, and how

It was me.

Even though I aspire to something better than a Mirage from years of hard work and education, I am not above one. I just wouldn’t buy one brand new. This is an interesting thought exercise. Both me and my wife work fully remote, so the 2 vehicles we have now are rarely used for anything other than trips and errands.