
Live in Louisville, work in Jeffersonville so I have to cross the river.  And with the Sherman Minton being partially closed, it’s a riot.  People do things here that I’d never see out east, especially with the eternal clogging of the left lane.  I know all areas have the drivers with the 6,000 pound brodozer who

I-65 is easily the worst freeway I have ever, EVER driven on.  Especially just north of Lafayette.  It’s beyond awful

Yep, it’s 50/50 every time one crosses the 2nd St Bridge you will see someone else driving like a psychopath.  

Indiana driver checks out. Moved to Indiana 4 years ago, but lived in Los Angeles for 20 years.. drove on some combination of the 110, 101, 405, and 10 fwys every day. Would often cross Wilshire blvd (10 lanes) without a stoplight on my commute. Never got that stressed about any of it.

Another Louisville resident here - he ain’t kidding...that’s one NARROW bridge. If there’s a wide truck coming your way, your palms sweat just a little bit more. But with everything else being toll except for the I-64 bridge that is in a permanent state of deconstruction/destruction/reconstruction, everyone’s looking

Put that psycho in prison.

Branham’s lawyer, however, argued that he should face less serious charges since no one was killed or seriously injured.

I was going to say Fiata as well.

The A/C in my 2017 Mazda is also pretty weak. It feels like it runs at 2/3 of the capacity it needs to. Also the 2.5L base engine you are referring to is pretty old by 2024 standards, and it doesn’t pair well with the 3,700lbs curb weight of the CX-50.

Did it have to actually race, because the Furai was fully functional, built on an existing racing platform used by the factory team, and wore the right sponsors and numbers.

Now playing

The alum love local pride, man. Go cards. cats. Whatever. The big trucks here 80 miles east [hand wave] of lville is exactly the same. They are laughably too big for the smaller, older roads. Freaking clown cars, er trucks. I can’t not laugh at them trying to navigate campus streets. That attitude has help me a lot.

He’s already a cybertuck owner, is there something worse he could turn into?

Put down the truck too, it has a taste for human flesh.

Yeah, there’s no way we’d want to start a conversation with our readers. We should probably just go back to posting about Elon, right? 

We had this in our s60 as well. A very specific intersection would confuse it to the point of slamming on the brakes every time we’d cross it. There were trolley tracks, which must have had a weird reflection point or something.

That thing looks like a redneck fever on wheels. Plus I never liked the jellybean era Mustangs. ND.

That was one messed up movie... no idea why my wife decided we needed to see it, but half way through she wanted to turn it off and I refused to allow that.  You started this... you suffer through the rest.

I love New Mexico, but there were no lies detected in this case.

Really, your own experience might completely depend on where and when you were driving in New Mexico.

Having grown up in Albuquerque+going back there often.,. Let’s just say NM’s placement was not surprising to me. I also correctly guessed why it was

Fun fact: In Sweden, the Maypole doesn’t go up until mid-June for Midsommar.

Regarding this gen of Volvos, that 1990 movie, Crazy People with Paul Reiser comes to mind. Reiser plays an advertising exec who has a nervous breakdown and gets into advertising truthfully. Thing is, they used real products in the movie’s ads. And there’s Reiser showing off a full-page Volvo ad: “Volvos. They’re boxy