Nah, I don’t particularly like the SSR but I respect it, and it shouldn’t be dumped on as hard as it is. It was intended as a boutique, low-volume seller and we should appreciate when automakers take those kind of risks and encourage more of it.
Nah, I don’t particularly like the SSR but I respect it, and it shouldn’t be dumped on as hard as it is. It was intended as a boutique, low-volume seller and we should appreciate when automakers take those kind of risks and encourage more of it.
Alright, look. I’m going to stick up for the Santa Cruz. 98% of the time or more, I don’t need a full-sized bed and the “baby bed” is the right size for chucking some outdoor gear in the back or picking up some bagged mulch from Home Depot. Towing capacity is also perfectly sufficient. If I were in the market, a…
I’ll take this with a huge grain of salt. Nobody inside of Mazda has been able to agree upon or get their stories straight about the rotary for at least 15 years or more. What we do know is that the NC MX-5 shared a lot of underpinnings with the RX-8 platform. Sway bars, camber arms, and a lot of the suspension and…
I can understand it in certain circumstances, like traffic court. Some people are at a disadvantage when it comes to transportation, childcare, or low-wage jobs with strict attendance policies. Being able to appear by Zoom for only a few minutes and removing the time-suck of getting to the courthouse, finding the…
When you’re old enough to have a bank account, but still have a toddler-sized peen and need everyone to know.
Yeah, but the regressive and anti-intellectual camps within the GOP can’t reasonably accept anything that has the knock-on effect of benefitting people or the environment, or else the woke boogeyman will come at night and make their kids start using preferred pronouns.
I always liked these, especially in that color green. Ordinarily, I’d say that price is a bit high, but I think these are slowly getting pulled into the hip Radwood orbit. Also, how likely are you to find one with a manual, in this condition, with such low miles? Rust and valve seals will be this car’s biggest problem …
Lighting a cigarette in perfect time with something exploding behind you is the coolest of the cool. This guy is still learning, but practice makes perfect they say!
Not including at least 1 working headlight or a functional washer nozzle was a real missed opportunity here.
In high school days of yore, having a friend with a van was the real shit. I feel sad for the kids of today who don’t have that kind of access to hand-me-down family vans. We had a blast as teens in our friend’s old Chevy G20 conversion van that was handed down from his parents. It was basically a living room on…
Bloc-sy but good!
Party pooper response: Figure out what your new living expenses are going to be, then figure out how much car you can afford.
I am giving this a very cautious NP. On one hand, it is a very nice GT for not a lot of cash. However, that ABC system in early 2000s Mercs is known to crap out around 80 - 100k miles, and the bill to repair/replace can easily run up to several thousand dollars. I don’t know how feasible it is to replace those with a…
No mustard here. This is like getting a pastrami on rye and discovering it was topped with ranch dressing. ND.
I got a little removable neoprene cover to go over mine, but still forget sometimes and have to be reminded the hard way.
That’s pretty much the crux of it. And manufacturers and rider associations lobbying against helmet laws because “freedom” is equally stupid. And many of your anti-helmet folks are the same types who loudly oppose any type of social assistance programs, but will gladly pass the buck for things like healthcare and…
It isn’t for me, but it’s a running convertible for pocket change that could be cleaned up reasonably well. I think this would only be worth it somewhere that has decent enough weather for dropping the top most of the year. This also buys you a ticket to: complain about the price of milk at the grocery, grunt…
I will speculate this was a storm created by 2 or more assholes. As a Louisvillian, I can testify that our cops are 100% assholes. I also know that many of the pro golfers who come here act like King Shit and also behave like assholes. I wouldn’t test a 9 iron against a 9mm though.