Anniversary models are seldom worth more than their ordinary siblings. At least with this one, you can celebrate multiple anniversaries and have a toast to commemorate each time something goes horribly wrong. Every day will be a party.
Anniversary models are seldom worth more than their ordinary siblings. At least with this one, you can celebrate multiple anniversaries and have a toast to commemorate each time something goes horribly wrong. Every day will be a party.
I think I’ve seen that movie only once in my life and might need to revisit, so thanks for the reminder! For me, it’s the yellow Volvo (a 245, I think) in Beetlejuice that Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin died in after falling from a not-very high bridge. Probably not a great testament to the safety of the brand, since I…
Nepo-cretin with undeserved influence lies and obfuscates in an attempt to prop up their brand and pander to their remaining faithful. What a bold and surprising play.
A few years ago, I would have laughed and said absolutely not. These old Volvo wagons are entering a new renaissance with prices creeping upwards though. I think that uptick is due to nostalgia thirst from those who are too young to remember when these were just ordinary, mundane family haulers. That said, I think the…
2005-ish, I decide to help my best friend move from the east coast to Portland, OR. I had relocated to Olympia, WA about a year prior, so I had already made the trip in a box truck pulling my car on a flatbed, and generally knew what to expect in addition to having experience with big trucks + trailers by way of growin…
I work in higher ed and can confirm this. Business majors (and many b-school faculty) are like chapters lifted directly from the DSM IV manual and given life.
As a fellow P1 Volvo owner, simply hearing the words cabin air filter makes my spine hurt. That was definitely a “I’ll just pay shop prices next time” experience for me.
Gary Busey’s Volvo C30, that by looks of it, he drives around crashing into shit. Everything about this video is just perfect, especially when “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” kicks in as his drive-off music, and good ‘ol Gary is just grinning like a lunatic.
2010, my wife needs a new car and has settled on a Mazda3 GT hatch. We find a good deal on one, brand new, optioned exactly how she wants, down to the color and everything. We already had financing in place through our bank and head off to the dealership - which happened to be in a different city 90 minutes away,…
Early 2000's Mazdas, while often above the competition from a driver’s perspective, were riddled with problems.
Haha, probably time to change it. I’ve become something of an apostate for not believing they are the greatest engines to grace the earth, or that poor reliability isn’t baked into the design and something to always worry about.
Absolutely! Headaches aside, they have remained my favorite cars to drive. Ownership on the other hand does come with some big caveats. They are deeply needy, require obsessive maintenance, and most specialty shops are now few and far between if you get into something you can’t handle on your own. That being said…
It’s cool, but the logical part of my brain says an MR2 Spyder would be the better choice unless you just enjoy looking at the Alfa, or burning money and chasing parts. ND.
I’ll give it a cautious NP. For as little as these cost about 10 years ago, I could see myself driving one and adopting the alias Sudafed P.M.
Oh, I get it. But it still sucks for those of us who don’t purchase vehicles with the intent of squeezing every possible penny out of resale. Living in grayscale is just so boring.
Honestly couldn’t tell you. This was his second C7 and his first Corvette with an automatic transmission because he figured it would be easier for my MIL to co-drive on road trips now that he’s retired. He’s in good health overall but is going through this whole thing of thinking he might die any day now that he’s on…
I’m genuinely intrigued by these, but the tablet as a primary control/information center makes me sad. I even like the yellow but won’t be surprised if it gets dropped in the second or third model year. Volvo needs to embrace fun colors again. Other than Fusion Red, their palette is starting to get real drab and dreary…
My father-in-law has been a die-hard Corvette enthusiast his entire life and has owned at least one of each generation, excluding the C8. Just last week, he up and traded his pristine C7 Grand Sport for a new Toyota RAV4 that he and my MIL don’t even need. My wife and I were both absolutely stunned. So, I guess the…
(Sad sigh) I love the Vision but also resent it for only existing as a corporate design exercise. The IDx was at least being considered for production with a handful of running prototypes built. As far as I know, the Vision was never fitted with an engine or even moved once under its own power. There will always be…